Chapter Three: Grudges

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It's been a couple of weeks since Nyla and Patrick have been dating. Of course, Lyric has been hating on the sides. Naomi and Ty still haven't been caught in their love making sessions. David tries to work his way back into their lives but changes his mind at the last minute.

Nyla: Penny look! They have basketball tryouts! You know you can play.

Penny: Should I? I never been on a team before.

Nyla: Yeah you should try! You always beat Patrick and he is on a team!

Penny: Okay, you gotta support me though.

Nyla: You know I will.

The girls left the park and went to Nyla's house. Nyla went inside and got some ice pops since it was crazy hot outside.

Nyla: Here you go Penny.

She sat down right beside her. Both girls wore shorts, t-shirts m, and tennis shoes.

Nyla: You know, I really get sick of my daddy. He always come in and out of my life. You either want to be here or not. I know him and my mama still mess around. They gotta be.

Penny: But you can't really assume that though. Give him time and another chance.

Nyla: I bet if he come back he gone leave again. I'm not dealing with that.

Penny: And you shouldn't. All I'm saying is, don't give up on him that fast.

The girls sat in silent and watched people on the streets while they ate their ice pops. The sun was hot and the asphalt proved it.

A light skinned boy looked at Penny like he liked what he had seen. She was disgusted because he wasn't even attractive.

Penny had a nice shape. She had a flat stomach and wide hips. Her bra size was a solid C-cup. She wasn't a girly girl which turned most guys on. She and Nyla had that in common.

Light skinned: You Penny right?

Penny was well known just like Nyla.

Penny: Yeah, who you?

Light skinned: I'm Jason. You Nyla ain't it?

Nyla: Yeah. How you know?

Nyla already knew how he knew.

Jason: Hell, who don't know y'all?

He was right.

Penny: Why you came over here?

Jason: Just wanted to talk to you. You're cute.

Penny thought his game was week so she decided to play with him.

Penny: You cute too. Where's your girl?

Jason: Don't have one. Wanna go out sometime?

Penny: I have a busy schedule and I'll just be straight up, I'm not that interested.

Jason: If it's because I came on too strong I'm sorry.

Penny was getting annoyed and Nyla was amused.

Penny: You just don't wanna feel played in front of your boys. Bye.

Jason walked away.

Jason: Bitch I ain't want yo ugly ass anyway!

Penny flipped him off with a mugged face.

Penny had a certain type of guy she liked. Tall, strong, and intelligent, that boy was neither.

Nyla: Girl you stupid!

She was rolling with laughter.

Nyla: You straight played his bum ass.

Penny: He didn't have no type of game dude. I would walk all over him.

Lynn stepped onto the porch to tell Nyla that David was on the phone.

Lynn: Your daddy on this phone.

Nyla: Oh okay.

Lynn: Get in here and talk to him.

Nyla: But I don't have anything to say to him.

Penny: Nyla...

Nyla rolled her eyes and went inside to talk to him.

Nyla: Hello?

David: Hey baby girl.

Nyla: Hey.

He could tell she didn't want to talk to him.

David: So how you been?

Nyla: I've been fine no thanks to you. I really hate you so I don't know why you want to talk to me. You left me by myself. So bye.

Nyla handed the phone back to Lynn. Lynn's mouth dropped and David's heart was broken.

David needed to see them soon.

Nyla went back outside and sat next to Penny.

Penny: What you told him?

Nyla: I told him I hated him.

Penny: You dumb ass. You weren't supposed to do that.

Nyla: I don't give a damn about him. He walked out on us.

Naomi pulled into the driveway.

Naomi: Why you look so pissed?

Nyla: Daddy pissed me off trying to be all nice and shit. Fuck him.

Naomi: He still our daddy Ny.

Nyla: Tell me when I give a damn.

Naomi: Don't get smart with me. I'm trying help your mad ass out.

Naomi walked passed Nyla and went in the house with her bags from the mall. Her Victoria's Secret bag was the biggest of them all and she tried to get it passed Lynn.

Lynn: Hey Nae. Come back down here when you get a chance.

Naomi's heart was beating fast and she thought to herself, "Did she find out about me and Ty? What the hell?"

Naomi went back downstairs.

Naomi: Yes mama?

Lynn: Sit down for a minute.

Naomi sat down beside her.

Lynn: You would tell me if you were having sex right?

Naomi's heart was racing.

Naomi: Of course.

Lynn: Okay. You and Nyla close, right?

Naomi: Of course. That's my sister.

Lynn: I don't know how to get through to her.

Naomi: Mama you can't. Only I can.

Lynn went into deep thought. She didn't have any idea on why her youngest daughter disliked her so much.

Naomi went up to her room relieved.

Penny decided to spend the night so it was just Nyla, Naomi, and Penny. Naomi spent most of the time on the phone. This time she was actually on the phone.

Penny and Nyla lied on Nyla's bed looking through magazines and talking.

Nyla: You know who I hate?

Penny: Lyric. She changed. Like, she's a hoe now.

Both girls laughed.

Nyla: And I feel like she like Patrick. Well, I know she do but she needs to stop. He's mine now so she need to get on somewhere.

Penny: What if she could take Patrick away from you?

Nyla: Then obviously he ain't mine if she could.

The girls ended the night playing monopoly and Naomi ended hers on the phone.

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