Chapter Eight: Moving Forward

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About a year passed and everyone was busy. Naomi and Jada prepared for college, Penny getting scholarships for basketball, Lynn and David with their new baby boy Joshua, and Nyla with Devon. David decided to stay home because he refused to walk out on his family again. Devon warmed up to her family quickly and it felt as if they were married rather than boyfriend and girlfriend. It's almost summer and Nyla is already sixteen so she'll start driving soon.

"I can't believe Nae is leaving me. I won't have anyone except Devon and Josh now," Nyla thought to herself. It was around the time for Nyla's graduation and next was summer. College orientations, scholarship applications, and new friends? Naomi was beyond ready and excited. She was out running errands with Jada while David and Lynn were out at the mall and Devon and Nyla were at the house babysitting Josh.

Devon: Baby can you bring me a Coke?

Nyla was feeding Joshua at the time.

Nyla: Yeah, give me a minute.

She finished feeding Joshua and grabbed a Coke out of the refrigerator and sat on the couch with Devon.

Nyla was still a virgin but she often wondered if she was ready to lose it to Devon.

She cuddled next to him and he kissed her. She loved being next to him and around him. He opened his Coke, took a sip, and sat it down on the coffee table.

Nyla: You ever thought about having sex with me?

Devon: Of course I have.

Nyla: Why you never talked about it?

Devon: I don't want to rush you. I know you're a virgin.

Nyla: What's that supposed to mean?

Devon: Baby I don't feel like arguing.

Nyla was getting upset.

Nyla: It's not an argument! I just wonder if you're attracted to me!

Devon was fed up. He put her on top of him and kissed her passionately. He stood up with her legs wrapped around his waist and laid her on the couch. He slid her pants off and fingered her while kissing her neck. He pulled his fingers out and tasted them. His tongue went down on her and her back arched. Her moans were quiet. His head was amazing and that was the first time it happened to her. She was satisfied. He was satisfied as well.

He left her laying there when he sat up. He took another sip of his coke and turned the television off. He picked up Josh and went outside so the baby could get some fresh air.

Nyla put her pants on and sat there thinking to herself.

"I swear if I don't marry this boy I will cuss myself out."

She stood up and stepped outside.

She loved the way he played with Josh.

"He acts like a daddy," she thought to herself.

She sat next to him on the steps and played with Josh. Penny was walking down the street with one of her teammates. The girls lost connection since Penny was so busy with basketball now.

Penny: NYLA!

Nyla: PENNY!

Nyla stood up and ran to Penny. Penny had the biggest smile on her face.

Penny: Is that yours?!

Nyla: Who? The baby or the man?

Penny: Both!

Nyla: The baby is my little brother.

Penny: What?! Your mama got with somebody new?

Nyla: No. My daddy came back.

Penny: Oh that's good. So who is he?

Nyla: That's my boyfriend Devon. Who is this?

Penny: My friend Monica.

Monica and Nyla spoke to each other.

Nyla: Come over here if you can.

Penny: I'm sorry I can't. I'll try to tonight. We were on our way to a street game at the park.

They hugged each other goodbye and Penny continued walking down the street. Nyla walked back over to Devon and sat next to him.

Devon: Who was that?

Nyla: That was my old best friend Penny.

Devon bounced Josh on his knees. People that passed by their house would think that they were a married couple with a new baby.

They went back inside and put Josh in his crib. The baby monitor was on Nyla's hip just in case. Devon and Nyla stood in the kitchen and talked.

Devon pulled her close.

Devon: I want you to be in my life for a long time.

He kissed her lightly, picked her up, and sat her on the counter.

Devon: I'm about to make you a sandwich.

Nyla: What kind?

She smiled.

Devon: Ham and cheese. Duh.

He smiled back.

He fixed her the sandwich and they went to the backyard and talked.

Nyla: So, what about college?

Devon: I'm staying here for a minute. Baby we'll have a whole 'nother year to be with each other until I go.

Nyla: But when you leave I'll be alone!

The two grew very attached to each other over time. He was Nyla's first love. She couldn't imagine life without him.

Devon: I'm taking you out tonight.

Nyla: Where?

Devon: Where ever you want to go.

Nyla: You don't have to go to work?

Devon: No, I go tomorrow.

Naomi and Jada came back home finally finished running errands. Now it was Naomi and Jada's turn to watch the baby while Devon and Nyla went out.

Naomi: So what y'all about to do?

Devon: I'm taking her out.

Naomi: Okay, be sure to tell mama and daddy.

Devon called Lynn and David to tell them where they were going and what time they would be back. He started to car and pulled out of the driveway. First, they went to the Gucci store. Devon loved to spoil Nyla. She was a lucky girl.

Nyla: Baby, can I have this?

Devon: If I have the money on me right now you can.

She pulled his wallet out and started counting his money. He had just enough and he bought her the clutch she wanted.

The next stop was a bakery that Lynn used to take her to when she was younger. Nyla had not been there for years. Devon pulled her chair out for her to sit down. He went to the counter and ordered ten different flavors of cake balls.

Nyla: Boy are you trying to get me fat?

Devon: No, I just want you to have a good time. I know how much you like sweets.

They took turns trying each one. They laughed and played. Both of them fell in love with each other. After the bakery, he drove her to the hotel. When they got to the hotel, he asked for a room.

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