Chapter Two: Taking Risks

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A couple of years passed. Naomi now eighteen and Nyla now fifteen. It had been a while since they had spent time together as a family. Nyla and Patrick have been friends for a while. Naomi finally has her license and a car. In order to make it up to her, David bought her the car. David still came around every once in a while. Lynn and David still loved each other, but he never wanted to come back home whenever she invited him. He still paid the house note just so Lynn wouldn't have to struggle on her own. Although he came around a couple of times, he meant almost nothing to Nyla. She held a grudge against him.

Nyla felt abandoned by him. It's almost as if everyone she was close to is leaving. Naomi will soon go off to college and be on her own. It'll just be Nyla and her mother. Thinking about the future stressed Nyla out. It was just the beginning of her freshman year anyway. She had to make it her best.

Naomi: Well, you ready for you first day of high school?

Naomi wore an Adidas jacket with light blue skinny jeans and some sandals. Her silver hoops, nose ring, and leather bracelet made her look better than she thought. Her shape had filled out even more since her Sophomore year thanks to Ty. Over the years, they had had sex countless of times. Lynn never suspected a thing.

Nyla: Hell yeah!

Nyla wore an Abercrombie and Fitch cardigan with a white T-shirt, a gold chain, and gold studs. Her curly hair was put up in a bun just like Naomi's. They were two 5'6 tall fine glasses of wine. But of course, Nyla was not as filled out as Naomi. Her butt wasn't as big as Naomi's but the jeans she wore made her feel that way.

Naomi made them sandwiches and walked out to the car. Nyla was both excited and nervous. She couldn't wait to see Patrick.

On their way to school, a few stops had to be made. Penny was the only friend Nyla had now partially because Nyla hated Lyric. Naomi and Jada were still best friends. All four of them now rode to school together.

Naomi: Nyla call Penny and tell her to come outside.

Nyla called and Penny came. The next stop was Jada's house. She was standing outside waiting.

Jada: Girl I could not stay in that house any longer. My mama was going ape shit.

Nyla chuckled.

Naomi: For what?

Jada: My daddy came in late last night. I think he messing around.

She turned around and smiled at the back seaters.

Jada: Hey Freshmen. Y'all ready for y'all first day?

Both girls were ready for whatever high school had to throw at them.

When the girls got out of the car, they felt all eyes on them. Four beautiful girls walking into the gym of Whitley E. High. There was a Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior section in the gym. Of course Nyla and Penny sat with the seniors. They knew most of them because of Naomi and Jada.

TJ: FRESH MEAT! Damn y'all looking good for some freshmen.

Nyla looked at him and rolled eyes.

Nyla: What's that supposed to mean?

TJ: Nothing youngin.

He took a seat beside Naomi.

TJ: So anyways, who you go to first Nae?

Naomi: Don't play my little sister like that no more nigga. Me and Jada got Jones for Anatomy first.

TJ: Oh shit. That girl in anatomy?!

Naomi: Smart like a mug.

Nyla was in her own world. She ignored the voices around her and just watched the entrance. She felt butterflies in her stomach as soon as she saw Patrick walk into the gym. It took everything in her to keep her from hopping from those bleachers to hug him. Nyla had it bad.

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