Chapter Eleven: Graduation

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Now was the time for Naomi's graduation. She wore a short, modestly short, black dress and the Red Bottom heels she saved up for. She took her nose ring out just so she could look more professional. There were diamonds in both of her ears. She wore her hair long and curly with black eyeliner. Her newly dyed jet black hair looked amazing against her light brown skin.

Lynn was still getting ready and David was dressing Josh. Nyla sat on her bed in dressy khakis and a white blouse. She wore golden metallic heels. Naomi walked in.

Naomi: Come on girl.

Nyla stood up and gave her a big hug. They walked down the stairs and waited in the living room. David held Josh in the kitchen and yelled up to Lynn.

David: Lynn we're about to be late! Come on!

Lynn ran down the stairs and grabbed her purse. She walked over to Naomi.

Lynn: I'm so proud of you baby.

Naomi smiled.

Naomi: Thanks mama.

The walked out of the door and David locked it. David, Lynn, and Josh rode together while Naomi and Nyla rode together. Naomi's speakers were blasting "College Girl" by Travis Porter. Nyla yelled over the music.

Nyla: What we doing this summer?

Naomi: Well, I'm partying and visiting colleges.

Nyla didn't say anything. All of them met at the conventional center at the same time. As soon as Naomi closed her door, Jada ran up behind her.

Jada: NAE!!

The girls hugged each other and smiled. Both were excited for their new life in the making.

Jada: We gotta go!

Naomi hugged her parents, kissed Josh on his forehead, and gave Nyla a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek. A tear fell from Nyla's left eye.

The girls went through the back as families and friends entered through the front. The crowd was intense. People shoved and yelled, they talked, plus it was hot. They found free seats and in walked Cristina, Tammy, and Danielle with their kids. Their grandmother was right behind them. Penny walked in and sat beside Nyla.

David's family soon filed in behind them. It was fifteen minutes before the graduation started. Devon arrived. There was an extra seat by Nyla in between her and her dad.

Devon sat down and kissed her on the cheek.

Devon: Hey baby.

Nyla didn't say anything.

They sat in patience before it all started. Naomi was in the back with Jada and a few other classmates. Treasure Monroe was chosen as valedictorian.

Treasure: Y'all excited?

Jada: Yes! How does it feel to be valedictorian? Your speech ready?

Treasure: Of course! Y'all look so pretty. I'm nervous though. I really don't know what to do next.

Naomi: You have the brains to do whatever you want.

Treasure: Thank you Nae.

There was a pause.

Treasure: It's time to get ready y'all! Get in order!

The soon graduates stood in line until it was time to walk out. Naomi stood nearly at the end, last name Watson and Jada wasn't far behind her, last name Wilson. Naomi's heart pounded. She couldn't stop smiling. Finally, the day she had been waiting for was taking place at this very moment.

The music started and the lines moved. Black caps and gowns moved through the aisles. Each student filed into their row as practiced. They took seats and the choir sang. About a good thirty minutes passed until diplomas were being handed out.

Nyla felt like it was taking forever for them to get to Naomi's name. She sat there with Devon holding her hand and her best friend on her side. She thought to herself, "Yeah, I'll be okay when she leaves."

Forty-five minutes passed and three hundred and fifty-six students had walked across the stage for their diplomas. At last, Naomi's name was called.

"Naomi Octavia Wilson."

Her family and friends jumped up, whistles were blown and horns as well. She walked onto the stage and took her diploma. She was overjoyed. Her smile didn't fade and nothing but college was on her mind. Ty was out of her life and there was no stress. New beginnings and a happy ending in the life she was now leaving behind.

When all of the names were called, all of the students stood up at their seats, took their caps off, and they all went flying in the air at one time.

Tears rushed down Naomi's face as she hugged Jada. She and her very best friend were about to separate after a lifetime together.

"Don't forget about me, okay?"

Jada: I promise I won't.

Both girls stood there in the middle of laughing, crying, and screaming.

Naomi met her parents outside of the conventional center. They stood in a circle and talked about the dinner that would be held that night.

Lynn: Naomi, can Nyla ride with you?

Naomi: Yeah, I don't care.

Cristina: Who carpooling?

Tammy: I'll leave my car here and I'll ride with you.

Lynn: Well, it's me, David, Josh, and I'll take your kids Cristina.

They sorted the plan out and Lynn drove to the restaurant to get the dinner started. About ten minutes later, Cristina and Tammy arrived with their children, and after them there was Danielle. Naomi had a perfect reason to be fashionably late. More family and friends arrived. Last, but not least, there was Naomi with a big smile on her face walking to the table. People clapped and told her congratulations. She went around the table to hug people and receive kisses on the cheek. She finally sat down.

Naomi sat next to Jada. They threw their graduation dinner together.

Naomi: So you ready for this party tonight?

Jada: Hell yes. The turn up will be real.

Naomi: I heard Ricky was going to be there.

Jada: He is sexy as hell.

Naomi: I know. I bet I'll get him too.

The girls giggled and high-fived each other. After this dinner, they were going to make it a night to remember.

Lynn stood up at the table and gave a toast to Naomi and Jada. After Lynn, Jada's mother said a blessing over the food.

Everyone talked, laughed, and played around. There was nothing but light hearts in the room.

Devon: Baby, you wanna go somewhere tonight?

Nyla: Like where?

Devon: Lets just go to the lake or something.

Nyla: Okay. We will after we finish this.

There were about to be two memories made in one night.

Naomi: Y'all, Jada and I want to thank you so much for coming and helping us celebrate tonight, but it's time for us to go to this party, so we'll be in touch. We love y'all!

The two girls smiled and walked out of the door.

Jada hopped into Naomi's car and fixed her makeup.

Jada: Tonight, we turn up.

Naomi laughed, started the car, and disappeared into the traffic.

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