Chapter Nine: Game Night Pt. 2

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Lynn walked over to the door with a daiquiri in her hand. She was laughing and smiling hard as ever. Lynn was having genuine fun. She opened the door and there stood Linda. She wore a black skin tight dress with high heels. Her hair was short and flat ironed. Lynn immediately looked down upon her, but she smiled falsely.

Lynn: Hi, you must be Linda?

Linda: Yes. Your voice sounds familiar.

Lynn: Yeah, I'm sure it does.

Linda walked in with a twist in her step. The house was quiet and everyone looked at her. Naomi whispered to Nyla, "Who is that?"

Nyla shrugged.

Tammy whispered to Christina, "The hell is that?"

Christina shrugged.

Tracy asked Tiffany, "Is she new?"

Tiffany shrugged.

Jason whispered to Adam, "She fine as hell."

Adam laughed and stared at her.

The entire family was confused. Linda smiled and followed Lynn into the kitchen. As soon as Linda left out of the living room, things went back to normal.

Lynn walked into the kitchen and took a seat next to Keith. Linda spotted David. He shook his head.

Linda: David! Wow, why are you here?

David: You should go home.

Linda: No way. I came to play games tonight.

She laughed and grabbed a frozen daiquiri. She wasn't stupid though. She knew something was up, she just didn't know what. Linda hugged Danielle and took a seat next to David. He wrapped his arm around her.

Tammy: Hold up!

Eyes were all on her. Lynn thought she would point out the fact that she and David were on different people.

Tammy: Don't get drunk before we play the games.

David observed everything going on in the house and realized he had missed out on a lot. Nyla was cuddled up with Mark which made him feel terrible for not sticking around and warning her about boys. He saw all of the teens having fun. He missed the days like that. Everyone had someone special in that house. Everyone had some type of connection. David ruined his bond with everyone when he ruined it with Lynn and that's something that never triggered in his mind.

David thought to himself, "I really messed up."

Naomi came into the kitchen and pulled Lynn to the side for a minute. She noticed how Lynn and David barely talked plus they had different people occupying their time.

Naomi: Mama, what's going on?

Lynn: Don't worry about about it. Go back into the living room.

Naomi: The fu--

She had to realize who she was talking to. Naomi brushed it off and went back into the living room. She gave Linda a dirty look as she walked off. Linda rolled her eyes. Naomi was close to back handing her.

"Bitch you don't know me," Naomi mumbled to herself.

Linda heard her, but didn't entertain it.

Keith and Lynn walked out of the kitchen to get the games out of the closet upstairs. Lynn told everyone to go down to the basement except for the children. Danielle grabbed the beers out of the refrigerator while Tammy pulled the weed out of her purse. The main thing about Lynn and her sisters, they knew how to have fun.

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