Part Two: Grown Up

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The bed squeaked repeatedly as Nyla's body went back and forth on the sheets with her head barely missing the headboard.

Nyla: Slow down!

He slowed down, but still went harder.

Nyla: Mark!

He stopped to kiss her neck.

She rose up and sat on the edge of his bed and stared at her feet. She was ashamed at what she had done.

It was one o'clock in the morning. She snuck out to go to a party with her friend Elise. Penny couldn't go to the party because she didn't want to get caught by her dad. She talked to a dark skinned pretty boy named Mark while she was there. In the past year they spent a little time together. He was very well known for having sex with plenty of girls throughout the neighborhood. According to Nyla, his sex wasn't all that good. This wasn't their first time. Ever since Devon left two years ago, she wasn't worried about loving anyone, but making the guys love her. Mark was her first victim.

Mark: You want to make me some food?

Nyla: No, I need to go home.

She put her clothes on and grabbed her car keys from the end table near the bed.

Mark: Will you call me?

She headed toward the door.

Nyla: You'll see.

She closed the front door and started her car. As soon as she hopped into her pearl Nissan Altima, her phone began ringing. It was Devon.

Nyla: Devon!

Devon: Hey girl, how you been?

Nyla: I've been fine. When are you visiting?

Devon: Hopefully I get to come around my birthday. I want to spend it with you.

Nyla: Well good.

Devon: Or you could come see me. You at home?

Nyla had to tell the truth. She kept no secrets from him.

Nyla: No, I'm on my way there now.

Devon: Where the hell you been?

Nyla laughed.

Nyla: A party! You know you go to them.

Devon: You right. I'll catch you tomorrow alright?

Nyla: Okay, bye.

Devon: Goodbye. I love you.

She smiled when she heard that.

Nyla: I love you too.

Fifteen minutes later she was home. She wasn't afraid of what Lynn would do to her. She was eighteen now and soon to be out of the house.

I guess anyone could come to the conclusion that when Naomi left Nyla, she lived life in the reckless fast lanes without caution.

The door creaked when she opened it and there sat David in the living room. He was wide awake and pissed. He took a sip of the beer in his hand. His voice was calm when he was mad, so he asked calmly, "Where were you Nyla?"

She paused in the walkway of the door.

Nyla: Uhh...

David: Nyla!

Nyla: Why do I have to explain myself?

David stood up.

David: Because you live in my house! You can't come in here at any hour of the night. I go to check on you and you not even in your room!

Nyla: What does it even matter to you?! You abandoned me, but when I want to leave it's a problem!

Lynn heard everything going on downstairs. She hopped out of bed to see what was going on.

Lynn: The hell going on down here?

She tightened her robe and she walked closer to Nyla.

David: Caught her sneaking in.

Lynn's eyebrows went up.

Lynn: Oh really?

Nyla rolled her eyes.

Lynn: You close to being grown, but you not grown until you get out of this house. I suggest you straighten up your attitude.

Nyla: Okay Lynn.

Lynn: What?!

Nyla: I said okay.

Lynn: I'll just deal with you tomorrow. It's too late for this.

Nyla went up to her room and threw her purse and keys onto her bed.

"Can't wait to get the hell out of here," Nyla thought to herself.

The next morning Nyla woke up with messy hair and smeared makeup. Josh came into her room whining about food, well, she classified it as whining.

Joshua: Nyyyy!

Nyla ignored him.

Joshua: NYYYYY!

Nyla woke up quickly.

Nyla: What?!

Joshua: I want cereal.

Nyla: Ask mama.

Joshua: Nyyyy!

His two year old voice was bothering her. It was high pitch and cute yet annoying when he was bothering her.

She covered her face with the pillow by her side. Josh raised his hand, balled it into a fist, and punch her back. She quickly grabbed him by his arm.

Nyla: Stop. We don't do that.

She spoke in a firm tone. He looked like he was about to cry. She sat up and got out of bed. Nyla picked him up to carry him downstairs for his food. She sat him at the table while she grabbed the bowl from the cabinet, spoon from the drawer, milk from the refrigerator, and cereal from the pantry. She fixed the bowl of cereal and sat next to Josh to talk to him.

Nyla: What you want to do today Josh?

Josh: Ummm...

Nyla waited.

Josh: Park.

Nyla nodded her head. She wanted to get out of the house so she wouldn't face Lynn when she arrived home.

Nyla's phone rang.

Nyla: Hello?

Naomi: Hey baby!

Nyla grew happy.

Nyla: Naomi! I miss you so much! How are you?

Naomi: I'm good. Just tired of this school work.

Nyla: When are you coming back?

Naomi: Around Thanksgiving most likely. I miss being home sometimes. You seen Jada around?

Nyla: Nope, haven't really seen anyone anymore.

Naomi: Oh, well, I was just calling to check on you. Text me from time to time sissy.

Nyla: I will. I love you.

Naomi: I love you too, bye.

They ended their conversation. Nyla felt somewhat alone with Naomi, Devon, and Penny by her side. Jada and Naomi barely stayed in touch because they were both so busy. Life just changed. It took a dramatic turn for everyone. Lynn became more moody and demanding month by month. Nyla had no clue what her problem was. David barely stayed at home because he was always at "work." Nyla believed he was cheating and Lynn could see the signs, but she said nothing.

Nyla went to her bathroom and fixed herself up. She threw on some black legging, Nike tennis shoes, and an old Rolling Stones shirt to go to the park. She brushed her teeth and combed her hair. She dressed Josh in some khakis and a white t-shirt with tan canvas materialized Toms.

It was around two when they went to the park and stayed until five. Lynn got off of work at five. It took her thirty minutes to get home. Luckily, Nyla made it back before then unlike she planned.

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