Chapter 4

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(Y/n)'s POV~

I ended up going to bed happily. I was so happy. once I fell asleep, I stayed asleep and nothing would wake me up, nothing at all. I suddenly fell into a deep sleep while a dream started.

Dream land~~~

I didn't end up moving to England, although, I did get a new neighbor last night. It was about six in the morning when that someone arrived. I closed my windows and went back to sleep, too tired to look and see who it was.

Later that day I woke up around ten. I looked at my alarm clock and slowly got up, getting ready for the day. I uploaded videos on YouTube, made breakfast and went on a walk since today was really nice. For once. I saw the new person walk out of his house. He looked familiar. But I shrugged it off.

I made it back home and decided to go to the city. I grabbed a back pack and packed money, two water bottles and some sunglasses. I walked out of my house, locking the door behind me. The city wasn't that far, so I just walked there. I smiled at others when I went passed them or waved at the little children nearby. I went into many cafes to get some bakery treats. I saw the taller male again and walked up to him. He was walking towards me, I guess he was lost. He was close enough to where we could just reach our hands to each other. We made eye contact. "Hello" He spoke in such a thick British accent that made me go crazy a bit. "Hi, are you lost?' I smiled a bit and he just shook his head. "No, just wanted to talk..." He suddenly got closer to me. So suddenly we were centimeters apart. His hot breath brushing against my face softly. I closed my eyes and waited...

End of Dream~


I quickly sat up in bed and looked at my alarm clock. The beeping wasn't coming from it. I looked at my phone and sighed a bit. I saw that I had many notifications. I turned off my phone and sighed again. "Stupid phone for ruining my dream..." I got up and got dress in a (f/c) sweatshirt and (2f/c) jeans. I went down stairs and began to make some breakfast. Since today was Sunday, I decided to make pancakes with bacon and scrambled eggs. "Hmm....Well, I haven't gotten any requests for song I'll just play a recommended game or something.." I spoke to myself out loud as I put my food on a plate. I got the forks and syrup, ready to dig in. I licked my lips, looking at how good the food was.

Once I finished my food and put my dish and syrup away, I got a few knocks on my front door. I opened it to see Connor standing there. I smiled a bit and let him in. "Morning Connor." I spoke, he looked at me and smiled a bit "Morning (Y/n). How are you this morning?"

"I'm good, what about you?"

"I'm good as well." He looked into my living room and saw all the games and movies I had. "I was about to make a video, but want to join me in it?" I asked him. He looked back at me and nodded slightly. "Sure, why not?"

"Okay, follow me." With that I walked off to my recording studio room with Connor behind me. I pulled up two chair in front of the camera and smiled a bit. I sat down in a chair and he sat next to me. I opened the camera and turned it on. I grabbed my phone out and smiled. "Want to do a Q and A with me?" I asked him. Connor pulled out his phone and nodded. "Sure, why not?"

Once the camera started to record, I spoke my usual intro. "Hello Everyone! It's (YT/n) here and today we have a special guest! CDawgVA!" I did sudden jazz hands and smiled a bit. "Hello my beautiful weebs, CDawgVA here." I smiled at his normal intro. "So today we'll be doing a q and a. Oh and you're new here click that subscribe button, press the like button and turn on your notifications. . Oh and I'll leave a link down below to CDawg's channel so you can check subscribe to him as well. Anyways, first question...So, (YT/n), what is your most embarrassing moment in your childhood?" I gave a worried look, yet I couldn't help but smile. "Erm, to be was when my father took a video of me dancing like a maniac...aye...." CDawg slightly laughed.

"Okay, my turn. CDawg, If you had to had to live with one person for the rest of your life, who would it be?" CDawg laughed a bit and repeated the question again. "If I had to live with one would be me of course!"

"Heh, yeah same CDawg...same"

After many more questions and many more answers. We got to the silliest questions and couldn't even speak. After another round of Q and A's, we decided to end the video. "Hope you all enjoyed this. I'll see you all later!" After that Connor and I both ended with the same sentence. "Stay beautiful!" And that's how the video ended.

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