Chapter 28

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It was July twenty six, Connor's birthday. I sat in my bed before getting up and going to my dresser, grabbing Connor's present, the one he saw while we were cleaning out my closet. I smiled and put it back. Mark and Sean were coming to the party today as well. I went to the bathroom and did my daily routine. Shower, get dressed, do my hair and makeup, eat breakfast then do the dishes. I looked at the clock on the stove. It was now seven thirty. I got out some ingredients to make strawberry lemonade cupcakes. I got the materials as well, beginning to put everything together and mixing it.

I put the lemon flavored batter in the paper cupcake cups and put them in the oven for the amount of time they needed to be baked for. As that was happening, I started to get the frosting going, but I heard a knock on the door. I walked over to the front and opened it to see very familiar faces that had smiles on them.

"Mark! Sean!" I smiled. "I didn't expect you to come so early today." I hugged them both one by one before they walked in. I closed the door behind them as Mark spoke. "Well...Surprise?" Mark gave a dorky smile. Sean smelled the air and smiled. "I see someone is making her famous Strawberry Lemonade cupcakes." I nodded and smiled. "I just need to get the frosting done and the cupcakes out of the oven when they're done." I smiled brightly.

3rd POV~

Sean and Mark helped (Y/n) make the frosting while she was setting up decorations for Connor's party. The oven's timer went off and (Y/n) took out the cupcakes with her mitts on, then placing them on the counter to cool off. She continued to decorate her house. After the cupcakes were done cooling off, Sean, Mark and (Y/n) swirled the pink frosting and set them on a rack, placing the rack of cupcakes on the table. "Sean, could you make the lavender tea lemonade for me?" (Y/n) asked him and he nodded. "Yeah, sure?" He spoke. "The recipe is next to the cookbook." I told him. Sean gathered everything he needed and began to make the lemonade. "Oh and Mark, could you go to the store and get some candles?" I asked him, giving him ten bucks. "Yeah, I'll be back." He left the house, closing the door behind him and went to the city.

After fifteen minutes, Mark came back and saw that everything was set up. Presents were on the table and (Y/n) was just doing a few touch ups. "Here, I got the chandles." Mark spoke, getting the attention of (Y/n). She turned towards him and smiled, grabbing the candles and placing them on the cupcakes. She looked at the time and saw it was now ten thirty. (Y/n) smiled, they finished at the tiime she wanted to finish. She got her phone out and texted Connor.

(Y/n): Hey, I need you to come over.

Connor looked at his phone and texted back.

Connor: Why, may I ask?

(Y/n): Don't ask why, just come over...

With that Connor sighed and got up, getting on his shoes and leaving the house. Locking it behind him. He walked over to (Y/n)'s house and knocked on her door. She opened it and smiled. "I'm glad you're here..." She spoke as she ot out of the way for him to walk in. He didn't suspect a thing. "So what did you need help with?" Connor asked. (Y/n) grabbed his hand and brought him to the dinning room. "Is this a good setup for your birthday?" Connor thought for a moment. "Yes, it is re-Wait, my birthday?" Suddenly Sean and Mark came up behind him, yelling surprise, scaring the hell water out of him. Both the idiots laughed before Connor laughed.

As the was full of laughter and fun, it was time for presents. Connor had opened all of them, thanking Mark, Sean and (Y/n). But (Y/n) had one more present for Connor, she held out a box and smiled. He took it and started to unwrap it opening the box to see another. he did this about three times before sighing and opening the last box. He saw an envolope and opened it. He took out the paper and saw that they were tickets to LA. Then at the bottum of the box was a card holder that went around his nexk. It read "VidCon" on it. Connor stared before realizing what it was for. "I'm going to VidCon!" He yelled with utter joy and happiness.

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