Chapter 38

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The day went on and the group was tired. Luckily, it was near the end and people were leaving. Suddenly a female about the age of sixteen walked up to Mark and smiled, he smiled back. "Hi, I'm Taylor and I would like your autograph Mark." She held out a sharpie and a piece of thick paper and smiled. He took the items and signed his name like before, She did the same thing for the others as well. "Oh, I also have a request, could I take a picture with you all?" The group nodded and got behind Taylor, who was holding the camera above her. She took the picture and smiled, hugging them all. "Thanks so much. I love you all." She then left and the group just smiled.

"She looked like a female version of you Mark." Sean spoke with a smile as her began to walk off. Mark laughed a bit. "Just dye some of her hair red and there you go." Mark followed Sean and went to the car. Connor and (Y/n) just smiled at each other and kissed each other before holding hands and walking to the car. They got in and drove to Mark's house. A good nights rest would do them all well.

A week passed and (Y/n) and Connor had to go back to England. "Take care you two." Sean spoke and bro hugged Connor and bent down to hug (Y/n). "I feel like my back is breaking." Sean joked and (Y/n) only laughed a bit. Mark then said his good byes. "Don't break her heart and keep her safe, okay?" Connor nodded and smiled. "Love her with all my heart and protect her like a shoulder." Mark and Connor bro hugged and he hugged (Y/n). "Cya 'round....shortie." Mark spoke and (Y/n) just playfully punched him. Connor grabbed their suitcases and they both left and went into the cab. Mark and Sean waved until they could no longer see the car. 

(Y/n)'s POV~

I rested my head on Connor's shoulder and sighed and yawned a bit. "What's wrong?" Connor asked in his everyday, sexy accent. I shrugged, not knowing what to say. "It just feels like we just got here. I wish we could stay longer..." I spoke with sadness in my voice. "Well, you got me." Connor spoke and leaned down and kissed me softly. I smiled and kissed back. 

We did our little make out session which lasted for a long time. We were now at the airport and in line for the gate. I softly yawned and walked through the hall things that connected to the plane. front two seats. I sat down and placed my carry-on in front of me then slowly fell asleep, resting my head on Connor's shoulder. 

Connor's POV~

I smiled a bit and watched over (Y/n) as she slept. I smiled again and plugged in my ear buds and fell asleep myself. 


I stood on what looked like and white and red mat, people were in chairs, dressed nicely and there were seven men on my left and seven women on my left. Everyone stood up and there she was, the beautiful bride to be. Lili..."Wait! Hold the phone!" I yelled and sighed a bit. "Where's (Y/n)?" Everyone laughed. "Who's (Y/n)?" Lili asked as if she had no idea who (Y/n) was. I grumbled a bit and took in a deep breath then sighed. 

End of Dreamland~~~

I woke up and looked out the window. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. Damn I'm tired...I thought to myself and closed my eyes, falling back asleep. The plane soon made it to England and everyone got off. (Y/n) was excited to go home and just rest for a long time and I just wanted to watch movies with her. As we made it to (Y/n)'s house, we both flopped on the couch and began to watch movies. 

Extended Ending~

Connor paced around a room with Mark and Sean by his side. "Don't worry, she'll love what you have to say." Sean said, trying to calm Connor down. Connor took in a deep breath and walked out of the room, going to a pair of French doors and Mark and Sean joined two other men they knew very well. They linked their arms with a woman and went the doors opened, they walked in a nice, big room. The grooms and bridesmaids were separated and stood on opposite sides of each other. Soon after, the music began and (Y/n) stood in the doorway. She had on a very beautiful dress on that had a glitter and sparkle to with jewelry that matched her personality and a vail with pearls in it. She walked up to me and smiled. The priest said his part, then it was our turn. "(Y/n), I love your smile and your personality. I will cherish you for as long as you want me to, no matter the distance and weather. I love you with all my heart." Connor finished and had (Y/n) on the edge of crying tears of joy. "Connor, I could say the same, but the way you lighten up my day already has the whole page." (Y/n) laughed a bit and sniffed. "I love you with all my heart and I hope that we can make a family on day and live happily ever after." (Y/n) smiled and the priest continued. The rings were put on and then he spoke. "By the power invested in me, you may kiss the bride." Connor then kissed (Y/n) and smiled. She kissed back and smiled as well. This was the best day ever. 

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