Chapter 19

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After a whole week, Connor and (Y/n) still haven't made it official. On Twitter though, fans were blowing up notifications towards them both. They'd have to check their phones ever ten to fifteen minutes because of how much was going on. They began to text each other.

(Y/n): Are you being spammed? I am and it's crazy...

Connor: Yeah I'm being spammed. I think I'll turn off my notifications.

(Y/n): Hey, I was thinking the exact thing as well.

(Y/n) sent a screenshot of how much spam she was getting from her followers. Connor, looked shocked then did the same thing, sent a screenshot of his spam. They both sighed before turning off their phones for the day.

The rest of the day was quite boring. (Y/n) finished her packing for the Europe tour with Connor. Afterwards she read a few chapter of her favorite books, Storm Siren by Mary Weber //Storm Siren is actually a good book.// She heard a knock on her front door and went to open it. "Hey Connor." She spoke as she read the last page of the chapter and closed the book once she put her bookmark in. Connor smiled down at her and walked in her house, like normal. "Hey (Y/n). Wanna go to the city? We haven't been there for a while." Connor spoke softly. (Y/n) looked at him and smiled then nodded. "Of course, just let me get my back pack with the stuff I need." She went upstairs, followed by Connor to get her things. "So this is your room. Nice, I like the color." Connor looked around, noticing my room was city themed, with the slight theme of anime to it, especially Black Butler items. Connor smiled a bit then cleared his throat, he began to speak in his Sebastian voice, perfectly(As always!!!~)

 "My...What an amazing room, for an amazing young lady such as you." (Y/n) giggled a bit. Connor looked over at the cute little pop figurines of Sebastian from Hot Topic. "Is this me?! Do I look this perfect?" Connor, or now Sebastian spoke, making(Y/n) laugh more and more. She cleared her throat a bit and glared coldly at Connor. A simple smile curving her lips. "Oh bassy! It would be like Romeo and Juliet, but with a violent ending~" She then blew a kiss towards Connor and laughed again. "Connor, I'm sorry...I had to do my Grell voice!" Connor chuckled a bit, noticing she'd be cute as Grell. (Y/n) grabbed her bag and went into her closet, grabbing a sweater and her small hand wallet. "Since Halloween is just around the corner, we can cosplay." (Y/n) spoke happily. She got her bag on and walked down stairs. Connor followed and saw that she never packer her umbrella, but he saw one next to the coat closet. "Don't forget this." He spoke as he handed it to her. (Y/n) took it and grabbed her phone, waking out the door, locking it as Connor walked out as well.

As they walked together, (Y/n) held the umbrella since it started to rain, but Connor grabbed it and held it over the both of them. "Wanna go get some coffee or tea?" (Y/n) asked. "Sure why not?" Connor spoke. He followed (Y/n) into a café and ordered a Jasmine Honey tea and a green tea for himself. (Y/n) then ordered two cake pops and smiled. "Two peppermint ones please." The serer nodded and gave (Y/n) the two cake pops. The two sat at a table with tea and a cake pop. Suddenly a girl came in the café and looked over at Connor. She smiled, then saw (Y/n) and her smile faded. "Well, well, well...If it isn't Connor~" She spoke, trying to act happy. Connor turned around and looked at the female. "Lili...What are you doing here?" He asked, recognizing the woman. "I came to see love." She spoke and hugged Connor. (Y/n)'s eyes went wide and her bright smile went to a frown. This can't be right...

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