Chapter 10

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3rd POV~

Everyone finished their food. Mark sat their smiling then (Y/n) was the first to speak. "Thank you Mark!" She smiled and hugged him. "I'll do the dishes." Sean walked up behind her and put his hand on her shoulder. "I'll do them, okay?" (Y/n) sighed and nodded. "Fine..." She then walked off as Sean did the dishes. (Y/n) went up to take a shower. She was gonna go on a walk today like she did a few days ago. 

(Y/n) got out of the shower and got in some comfortable clothing, then went downstairs. "Hey, wanna go to London?" She asked. The boys looked at each other and nodded, then got ready. (Y/n) packed a back pack, money and a few umbrellas in case it rained. She even packed a few sweaters. She knew today was going to be amazing, especially since she'd be with her best friends. 

(Y/n)'s POV~

We were out on the walk to London, the weather very nice. I smiled and saw the backery shop I went in and got free scones and tea. "Let's go in there" I walked in and everyone ordered what they wanted. They then all paid. I was still seeing what I wanted. "I think I'll just have pomegranate burst tea and raspberry jelly filled scone." I spoke with a smile. The man smiled a bit and nodded. While the tea was in the making, the man began to put four raspberry jelly filled scones in a cute small box. "Here's your scones Miss." He said, handing me the box. "Thank you sir." I took them gently.

After my tea was done, and paid for my order, we went out again. The weather was still very nice. I smiled a bit and  began to walk backwards. "Where shall we go first?" I asked. "The big wheel." Sean spoke. I nodded in agreement. It was probably the closest thing, and not far from the Big Ben. As we made it to the Big Wheel. Connor paid for all of us. He's really nice...I thought to myself. Connor and I ended up sitting together, Mark and Sean sat together.

Connor's POV~

I sat next to (Y/n). I looked at her from the corner of my eye and smiled a bit. The way her hair moved with the wind made her look like someone special. "So how do you like England, (Y/n)?" I asked. She looked at me with her big, (E/c) eyes then smiled softly. "England is amazing. I just need to see the rest of Great Britain." She told me. Maybe I can take her to Scotland and Wales. "Hey, I know. Would you like to go on a vacation to both Scotland and Wales with me?" (Y/n)'s eyes got wide and she nodded. "Yes! I'd love to!"

Mark's POV~

I sat their talking to Sean, trying to catch up on life and see how his life was going. "So, wha-" I was interrupted when I suddenly heard (Y/n) yell "Yes! I'd love to!" My eyes went wide. I looked at Sean. I was hoping that Connor didn't propose to her. If he did, he'd have to ask for my approval first. "I hope he didn't do what I think he did..." I spoke. Sean nodded. If she was going to get married, Sean and I had to approve first. She was literally like our little sister, by three years. I sighed a bit, hoping that he didn't propose to her yet.

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