Chapter 2

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(Y/n)'s POV~

I got up sometime around ten o'clock in the morning. I looked out the window to see the weather wasn't the nicest, but it was okay weather. I got out of bed and began my morning routine. Eat, shower, change into casual clothing and get a back pack set up. I went to my studio room and turned on my camera, I turned in on the video option and started the video. "Hello everyone, and good morning. It's (YT/n) here. For today, I'll be going around some shops and restaurants in London. Heh, I've heard England has amazing tea, so I can't wait to try it. I know I said I'd do a cover of Angel With A Shotgun before, and today that will happen sometime this week, promise. Well anyways, I better get on my adventure. Stay awesome my followers, love you all!" With that I stopped the video and uploaded the video on YouTube. After that I grabbed my keys and back pack, then left my house, locking it behind me, going out into the world.

3rd POV~

(Y/n) got a taxi and got a ride to the city. It was quite amazing. The driver had told her to get an umbrella, which she did since the clouds got a bit dark but that wouldn't stop her from going on her adventure in London. She smiled. The very first place she went into was a small cute café. The smell of tea, coffee, and scones filled the café. (Y/n) went to the counter and smiled at the baker. He smiled at her and spoke, "Are you ready to order Miss?" (Y/n) nodded and replied, "Yes, erm may I have honey jasmine tea with a small box of raspberry jelly filled scones please?" The baker nodded and started the tea and got the fresh scones raspberry jelly filled scones in a box.

"So, Miss are you new to London?"

"Yes I am, I literally moved here last night..." (Y/n) replied as the baker gave her the small box of scones. Once the tea was done he put a lid on it and a holder on the cup. He gave it to her and smiled. "It's on the house today Miss, come back anytime." (Y/n) nodded and walked out of the café, putting the scones in the back pack she had on. She looked around and saw many people, no one stood out besides one person. A tall brunette man with a quite thick accent. He sounded familiar. He was talking with a mother and her daughter who looked like she was in her teens. "It was a pleasure meeting you Conner." The mother said and walked off with her daughter. (Y/n)'s eyes went wide when she heard the woman say "Connor". She paused and thought about it. Anyone's name could be's a quite common name. (Y/n) walked off, trying to forget about it. But she did really think the man looked familiar.

Connor's POV~

A mother and her daughter came up to me on the side walk and started a conversation with me. I guess her daughter was a big fan. Once they left, I saw someone new in the city. Is that the girl that moved to the house next to me? I asked myself. She looked deep in thought. I then realized who she was. She was (YT/n). Someone quite popular when it comes to singing covers and doing videos with Markiplier and Jacksepticeye. I smiled a bit and walked off towards the Great Wheel. Maybe I'll introduce myself later today...

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