Chapter 18

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3rd POV~

(Y/n) dished up Connor some of her spaghetti. She gave it to him, then got him a glass of water. "Thank you (Y/n)." Connor spoke with a soft smile. (Y/n) nodded and went back to the kitchen. She began to put the spaghetti away in small containers. "So when do you want to go on our trip?" She asked. Connor stopped eating for a moment, then realized what she was talking about. "Oh, next week. Well if you want." he spoke, (Y/n) only nodded. She was silent, which wasn't normal. Connor noticed, but didn't ask. He knew that what (Y/n) was thinking about wasn't any of his business. He wanted to know, but he stayed quiet. 

Connor's POV~

I watched (Y/n) wash the dishes from the living room. Why is she so quiet? He thought. He got up and walked up behind her, placing his hands around her waist. (Y/n) became tense, she turned her head towards me. Her face was redder than the color of blood. "Co-Connor!" She yelled. "Wha-What are you doing?" (Y/n) gulped, her (E/c) eyes went wide. Before I could do anything, she turned around from me and continued the dishes. I leaned down near her ear and softly whispered, "(Y/n)...What's wrong?" (Y/n) stayed quiet as she continued the dishes. I sighed and put my chin on her head. 

(Y/n)'s POV~

I sighed, my face was still slightly red. Connor put his chin on my head, I made a soft sigh and continued the dishes. After I was done I looked up at Connor and sat on the counter. "Sorry for being so quiet. It's just I didn't expect you to be here...And I..." I paused. Should I tell him I like him? "You what?" Connor asked. I looked down and fiddles my fingers around, becoming nervous. "(Y/n)...You know you can talk to me.." I took in a deep breath and suddenly spoke quickly. "OkayfineIreallylikeyouConnor" I breathed. "Butit'sfineifyoudon'tfeelthesameway!" I took in a deep breath and looked at Connor. He looked clueless. "What?" He asked. I continued to look at him but suddenly looked down. "I said...I really like you..." I choked on my words slightly as my voice became less than a whisper. My eyes filling with water. "'s fine if you don't feel the same, I'd understand." 

3rd POV~

(Y/n) put her hands over her face, she softly cried. Connor looked at her and gently took her hand off her face. It was silent. He placed a soft hand on (Y/n)'s cheek, and put the other on her hand on the counter. Tilting her head up towards him then leaned in slowly. Their breath was mixing, as inches became centimeters. (Y/n) closed her eyes for a short second, she suddenly felt pressure against her lips. When she opened them, her eyes flew open, when she saw the handsome man kissing her. Slowly closing her (E/c) orbs, she began to kiss back. 

It was a few moments before they both parted for air. (Y/n) looked into Connor's eyes and Connor did the same. "Co-Connor..." (Y/n) spoke softly. Connor rubbed his thumb against her cheek and leaned in again. "Yeah...I know." He kissed her again.

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