Chapter 31

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As Kristy was walking (Y/n) and her friends, (Y/n) was approached by many more fans throughout the day. Kristy didn't exactly understand why, but she soon figured it out. "You're (YT/n), aren't you?" She asked. (Y/n) nodded as she signed another thick piece of paper for a fan. "Yep that's me." Suddenly a female, looking around her twenties came running up to her when she saw Kristy. "Kristy!" She cried. Kristy hugged her mom and smiled. "Thank you for finding my little girl." The woman spoke with happiness, tears filling her green eyes. (Y/n) smiled and nodded a bit. "You're very welcome miss. Stay safe okay Kristy?" Kristy nodded and waved to the group.

Connor's POV~

I watched as Kristy and her mom left. I never knew that (Y/n) was so good with kids. She could make a great mother one day. I suddenly blushed at what I was thinking. (Y/n) and I got in line for one of the water rides. Splash Mountain. Screams were heard as some drops of water landed on my head and shoulders. Since we had fast passes, we were basically near the front. Mark and Sean were behind up and so we were all going in one long. I took in a deep breath as I saw our log arrive. It was soaked from the water on the ride. The four seats were empty until our group got into the log. Then off we went on the ride. What I didn't understand is why was (Y/n) giggling?

Mark's POV~

(Y/n) was already giggling and laughing. She never did tell Connor that there was a big drop at the end. I sighed and shook my head. She was never the person to spoil rides for people. I felt bad for Connor, but at the same time, I wanted to see his reaction in the pictures. We went around the turns with all the singing animatronics and of course, (Y/n) sang along with them. As we made a few more turns, we went down a small drop, which is never bad. 

Sean's POV~

Frist small drop is never bad, but once Connor goes down that last drop, he's going to wish he has a towel, which is something we didn't have. (Y/n) sang along with the animatronics when we suddenly heard a scream. "OMG! It's (YT/n)!" Sometimes the fans can get overwhelming...I sighed as we suddenly went up the hill and the scary songs were being sung, the two vultures up ahead talking in their annoying voices as normal.

(Y/n)'s POV~

It was now my favorite part, the big drop. The vultures up ahead were asking things like, "So you want to go to the laughing place, ehhhh?" and the other would say "We'll show you a laughing place~~~~" I looked back at Connor who looked like he was having a good time. When we reached the top of the hill and I looked at Connor again, he looked terrified. We suddenly went down the hil and while everyone else was screaming like little girls, I just laughed the entire time. But karma is a bitch, a big splash fell over me, getting the top half of my body soaked. The three laughed at me. When we got off the ride, I just walked it off, and walked towards the next ride. But I got dried first in the stand up dryers. 

3rd POV~

The group went on many other rides. They went to California Adventure and went on the Tower of Terror, California Screamin' and the Monster's Inc. ride. They got all the pictures from the rides they went on. Connor has the funniest faces because of all the drops, Mark and Sean looked like they were yelling and (Y/n), well she looked like she could use some plastic surgery. 

As night came, they went back to Disneyland and went on all the rides again since they were known to be awesome during the night. And most people were right. They went on the Haunted Mansion and the Tower of Terror. They went on the Tower of Terror more than five times. When they went on California Screamin' eight times. Then went on the Farris Wheel to just chill and chat a bit and talk about how stupid the pictures looked. They all laughed with joy.

After watching the fireworks and the World of Color, (Y/n) was passed out from all they fun they had together. Connor picked her up and placed her on his back. She was like a child, energetic, happy and cheerful. But when she would have too much fun, she would just fall asleep. Well everyone was tired, but (Y/n) was just out like a light. Once they made it to the car, Connor sat in the back with (Y/n) and Sean and Mark sat in front. When they got to Mark's house, they put (Y/n) in a bed and everyone else emptied out the car. Afterwards, the three went into the house and fell asleep.

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