Chapter 7

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(Y/n)'s POV~

After I did the dishes. I went off to take a shower. I hummed a bit while taking my shower. After my shower and getting dressed in my pjs, I got comfortable in my bed and went to sleep quickly. I was more tired than I thought. As I fell into a deep sleep, I was taken into a dream.


There, I stood at the gates of a big mansion. The feeling was abnormal. I saw Sean and Mark walk passed me talking. "Hey Mark, Sean.." I spoke. What they did was very unusual. They ignored me and walked towards the mansion. Connor then followed them and began to talk in there conversation. I was left alone. I walked away from the mansion.

Tears stung my eyes and they fell down my pale face. I then saw Mark and Sean again, this time they were fighting each other very violently. Mark ended up killing Sean. I ran off and cried. Mark was now chasing me with a bloody sword. I continued to run until I bumped into Connor who turned me around and held my arms in his hands. Mark's sword went through me, also going through Connor. He showed no emotion as he watched us both fell to our knees. Mark then pointed the sword at himself and killed himself..

End of dream~~~

I quickly woke up, my eyes flew open. Tears stung my eyes and they spilled out of my eyes. I wiped away my tears and looked at my alarm clock. It was half passed seven. I slowly got out of my bed and heard a sudden knock on my front door. I made my way downstairs and opened the door to see blue eyes and green hair and dark brown hair with brown hair. "Mark! Sean!" I smiled and hugged them both. They were my best friends. I then saw Connor and smiled. I let them all in my house. "Who are those two?" Connor asked looking t both Sean and Mark. I giggled a bit and closed the front door. "Connor meet Mark and Sean. Mark, Sean meet Connor my neighbor." I smiled a bit as they all shook hands.

Conner's POV~

I wasn't too sure about both Mark and Sean. I know they were both (Y/n)'s friends, but they were very close. It was like they were siblings. Maybe that's what they think of her, a sister. "So (Y/n) how's your music going." The one with green hair, who's name is Sean asked. "It's going well. My music is on iTunes now, so you can buy it now." (Y/n) smiled brightly, which she looked pretty when she smiled.

Mark's POV~

Connor didn't seem very happy to have (Y/n) with two other guys. I can probably understand why. I don't think (Y/n) noticed his facial expressions towards us, she just kept smiling. "I had this crazy dream last night...It was more on the sad side though..." (Y/n) spoke. "Mind telling about it?" I asked her, she nodded.

Sean's POV~

When (Y/n) told us about her dream, I got a little shiver. I thought about Mark killing me, then remembered it was just a dream. I smiled a bit. "Hey...It's been a long time since we made a video together. Why don't we make one together?" I asked, (Y/n) nodded happily and grabbed Connor's arm. "C'mon Connor, we'll have much fun!"

3rd POV~

Connor, Mark, Sean and (Y/n) played the Whisper Challenge. Connor realized how funny both Mark and Sean were. He laughed with them which made (Y/n) laugh. It was now (Y/n)'s turn to read a sentence, and Connor was right next to her. She saw the sentence and blushed deep red, she then whispered, "You're mine." Connor's eyes went wide slightly. They all rotated and Connor repeated what (Y/n) said, then the rotated again. Mark and Sean for being the idiots they are, they said something way different. They all laughed.

(Y/n)'s POV~

I was glad everyone could get along. We had to end the video because I was going to make breakfast for everyone. We did our ending and uploaded the video on YouTube. We all went to the kitchen and I started to make breakfast.

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