Chapter 29

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Connor and (Y/n) packed to go to VidCon which was just a little under a month. When they were done, they decided it would be best to just stay at Mark's place until then since he was the closest. (Y/n) brought a lot of extra money so that way, all of them(Including Sean) could go to Disneyland for some fun and rides.

Mark's POV~

I cleaned my house a bit and smiled as I did so. (Y/n) finally got to come to my house after a very long time. I cleaned up a small room where (Y/n) and Connor would be sleeping in. Sean was also coming, but sometime next week. Luckily VidCon isn't until the third week of August, but it would arrive quickly.

[Time skip brought to you by..........Tiny Box Tim!]

A few days passed by and I had just sat down when someone knocked on my door. "God dammit!" I got up and walked to my door and looked through the peep hole. I smirked a bit. "What's the password?" I asked. Suddenly a female on the other side of my door spoke. "Oh, I dunno. Is it, we can't wait for VidCon?" I suddenly opened the door and opened my arms. "How did you know?!" I looked at (Y/n) who just laughed a bit. "Dude...we're all excited to go..." She spoke with a face that had the sentence "You're a real idiot..." written all over her face as her expression was blank. I let them in and Connor stopped and looked at me. "Mark, I need to ask you something...." He suddenly pulled out a small box and opened it, revealing a beautiful diamond ring. "And it's very important." He spoke again, this time more serious. I nodded and closed the door before going upstairs with Connor. "(Y/n) Connor needs to talk to me so we'll be back. Make yourself at home and watch tv or play video games." I spoke and (Y/n) gave a slight nod.

Connor's POV~

As Mark and I got into a private room, I began to talk. "I wanted to ask you and Sean first because she seems to have a very close relationship with the two of you." Mark nodded and folded his arms. "Yes, that's right. We were there for her when her parents weren't. But go on..." Mark spoke in a serious tone. I nodded and continued. "I would like to ask for your permission to share and love her. I'm asking your blessing to marry her." I spoke with a slight smile. Mark only glared at me, but slowly smiled. "Of course, when do you want to ask her?" He asked, I smiled a bit. "VidCon..."

(Y/n)'s POV~

I sat down on the floor in front of the couch and played COD(Incase none of you know, COD is short for Call of Duty). I smiled as I killed another man, this was twentieth man I shot in the game. Maybe I should start doing lets plays again...I thought to myself. Connor and Mark came back downstairs and watched me play. "(Y/n)...Why don't you play a game that you're NOT good at?" Mark asked, "Like Amnesia or something?" I turned my head in fear and shook my head. "That game gives me that creeps, I'd rather be watching some very fake Scifi movie with bad quality..." I spoke. But then I sighed. "I'll give it a try though..." Mark smirked and chuckled, "prepare to scream~" I sighed and followed him into his recording room. He downloaded the game and turned on his devices for recording and live streaming. Once the video was going, I sighed and smiled. "Helloooo my lovely people, It's me, (YT/n). So today instead of a song I'll be playing Amnesia...A game that I greatly despise...But hey, let's start shall we?" After I spoke I got really quiet, trying to focus on the game. After awhile, I got attacked and screamed, falling out of the chair. "What the fuck was that?!" I caught my breath and started laughing a bit before sitting back down and starting the game again.

After trying to defeat the game and being attacked by creepy looking zombie people, I decided to just rage quick. I put my elbow on the desk and my hand on my forehead. "Welp...I can't get this game on my side, so yeah." I then looked directly at the camera and smiled. "Oh, and if you're going to VidCon, I'll be there, singing a few covers that were my personal favorite. So yeah, see you there hopefully! Buh-bye!" After that the Live stream was over and I got out of Mark's god damn chair. I sighed a bit and glared at him. "I'm NEVER playing that again." I told him, but deep down somewhere in my mind, I knew I would play it again, just to beat it. "Suuuure you won't~" Mark spoke before laughing. "But they way you screamed and fell out of the chair was so fucking hilarious!" Mark laughed, causing Connor to laugh. Mark laugh was very contagious so I tried to stay serious, but I couldn't, I started to laugh along with them.

3rd POV~

After a couple of hours, Mark, Connor and (Y/n) were watching a horror movie. The Babadook. At the scary parts (Y/n) either slightly screamed and hugged a pillow or hold Connor's hand or head my head behind Mark's back. As much as she loved scary movies, she was a big chicken of them as well. At the moment, the movie was at a not-so scary part but suddenly someone knocked on the door, causing (Y/n) to scream. "It's okay (Y/n)..." Mark patted her head a bit and opened the door to see Sean. "It's only the Green haired Irish guy." Mark spoke as Sean walked in and looked at (Y/n) and laughed a bit to see her scared face. "Aww, what's wrong with the little girl? Is she scared?" He teased. (Y/n) shook her head and as soon as everyone got comfortable, the movie started again.

Sean's POV~

Connor and I walked upstairs. He wanted to talk to me about something important, so Mark and (Y/n) started to make dinner. We went into a private room and looked at each other with serious looks. It was an awkward silence at first but Connor cut it. "So, I need to ask you something IMPORTANT." He spoke. I nodded a bit. "Okay what is it?" I asked. Connor took out a small box and opened it. Inside was the beautiful diamond ring. My eyes went wide. But then I blushed a bit. "Connor...I'm not gay..." I joked, causing myself and Connor to laugh. "It's for (Y/n). I want your blessing to marry her." Connor spoke with a serious face. I stared at him for a very long five second, causing Connor to get nervous. I then nodded. "Yeah, you have my blessing all the way. Where do you want to ask her?" I asked. Connor only said one word before smiling. "VidConn."

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