Chapter 34

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Mark pulled into the driveway of his house and everyone got out. "I think I'll make a new cover song video." (Y/n) spoke as she followed Mark to the door. "What song do you plan on doing?" Mark asked as he unlocked the door and let everyone in his house. (Y/n) shrugged but then answered. "To be honest...I don't know..." She sighed and looked down. "OH! I'll do She's and Angel....or....Storytime. I'll do Storytime!" (Y/n) smiled and ran off to get her camera set up and her laptop. She set everything up and set up the music. She closed the door, but Connor, Mark and Sean stood at the door, listening to her. 

(Y/n)'s POV~

I started to video and smiled. "Helllloooooo~ My amazing subcribers! Today I will be singing Storytime. If you are new to my channel, hit that subscribe button and the like button. And now, to the song, enjoy!~" I paused for a moment and started the music and I started to sing.

"It was the night before

When all through the world

No words, no dreams

Then one day

A writer by a fire

Imagined all of Gaia

Took a journey into a child-man's heart..."

"A painter on the shore

Imagined all the world

Within a snowflake on his palm

Unframed by poetry

A canvas of awe

Planet Earth falling back into the stars"

"I am the voice of Never, Never Land

The innocence, the dreams of every man

I am the empty crib of Peter Pan

A silent kite against the blue, blue sky

Every chimney, every moonlit sight

I am the story that will read you real

Every memory that you hold dear"

"I am the journey

I am the destination

I am the home

The tale that reads you

A way to taste the night

The elusive high

Follow the madness

Alice you know once did"

"Imaginarium, a dream emporium!

Caress the tales

And they will dream you real

A storyteller's game

Lips that intoxicate

The core of all life

Is a limitless chest of tales..."

"I am the voice of Never, Never Land

The innocence, the dreams of every man

I am the empty crib of Peter Pan

A silent kite against the blue, blue sky

Every chimney, every moonlit sight

I am the story that will read you real

Every memory that you hold dear"

"I am the voice of Never, Never Land

The innocence, the dreams of every man

Searching heavens for another earth..."

The intermission happened and I stayed quiet. The music was amazing. I loved this song, I then started to sing again after the intermission was over.

"I am the voice of Never, Never Land

The innocence, the dreams of every man

I am the empty crib of Peter Pan

A silent kite against the blue, blue sky

Every chimney, every moonlit sight

I am the story that will read you real

Every memory that you hold dear"

"I am the voice of Never, Never Land

The innocence, the dreams of every man

I am the empty crib of Peter Pan

A silent kite against the blue, blue sky

Every chimney, every moonlit sight

I am the story that will read you real

Every memory that you hold dear"

I smiled and began to sing the ending, my voice getting only slightly higher, then going back down. The music ended and I smiled again. "Thank you all for listening. If you liked this hit that like button and this song will soon be on iTunes. Bye!~" I then quit the video and uploaded it on YouTube. I walked to the door and opened it. I saw Mark, Sean and Connor. "Well I'm done with my singing, I'm gonna get a snack." I spoke as I walked passed them and went to the kitchen, grabbing a snack.

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