Chapter 25

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As Connor woke up from his dream, tears flooded his eyes slowly. He hated the way life was at the moment. With every thought of (Y/n) he had, the more he wanted to die. His heart ached with pain. The water in his eyes soon escaped and dripped on his bed covers. He looked at his clock to see it was only five in the morning, although it felt like it should've only been three in the morning. He sighed and laid back down, hopefully to fall back asleep. He closed his eyes and woke up thirty minutes later, but to him it felt like an hour. He sighed and got up, going to his bathroom to take a shower to start his day.

(Y/n)'s POV~

I sat in my room still. Just waking up from my slumber. At the moment, all around my sight was dark and everything felt like a dream. I put my feet on the soft floor of my room. I stood up, but only fell. I haven't eaten in a few days and Mark and Sean were getting more and more worried about me. I had many pills bottles hidden in my room, along with a razor and a piece of paper with a pencil. My twitter was being spammed every hour, my fans wondering when I was going to make a new song cover. They were still making suggestions on what songs for me to sing. I got back up as my body became weaker by the second. I went to go grab my razor so I could cut away the pain again from my heart that was aching.

Putting the blade to my skin, I watched as a straight line of blood formed on my wrist,. The blood dripped on the floor as I made another cut then another. I did this with my other wrist as well. Tears stung my eyes as I smiled. At the moment, I loved the pain, but deep down, this was mentally killing me. I sat down and cut my thighs and legs. After that, I put the razor away and grabbed a bottle of pills, opening it and taking them two by two. When the bottle was empty, I threw it away. I felt really dizzy afterwards, but I got up and walked to my closet to get dressed. I grabbed my purse and my keys before walking out of my house, locking my door and going to the nearest drug store.

I came back with a bag of pills. It was like an addiction, but worse. I walked into my house and closed the door, forgetting to lock it. I went up to my room and put the bag of pills in the hidden spot with the other pills.

Connor's POV~

I sighed and got off my ass. I put on my shoes and grabbed my keys before walking out of my house and locking the door behind me. I walked over to (Y/n)'s house. I knocked on her door a few times before the door opened slightly. I raised an eyebrow, did she forget to lock it last night or something? I mentally asked myself before quietly walking in her house and shutting the door behind me quietly then locking it. I walked up the stairs to her room and opened her door.



A/n~ Uh-oh, Connor saw what Reader-chan was doing....What's gonna happen between them? Find out in the next chapter~

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