Chapter 8

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3rd POV

As (Y/n) started to make breakfast, Mark, Sean and Connor began a conversation. As (Y/n) finished breakfast everyone got up and got their plates. With (Y/n) being the shortest in the room, Connor got her a plate. Both Mark and Sean teased her about her height which she just rolled her eyes at. Everyone got their food and sat at the table, and began to eat.

 (Y/n)'s POV~

I began to eat. I had to be honest, I make really good pancakes. I was happy that all my friends could have breakfast with me today. I smiled softly, hoping they could get along. After breakfast, we all went to the living room and watched a few movies. We then watched a few of Mark's old videos and died laughing. He was cringing at all his old videos. Connor started laughing with Sean and I. Mark then looked at me and smirked. "Oh hell no!" I yelled. He then looked up one of my old singing videos. I covered my ears and watched them laugh. I knew when I was younger I never had the best voice, that's when I joined choir to improve my voice, which helped a lot. I uncovered my ears and listened laughing with everyone else.

After watching so many videos and movies, it was lunch, then dinner before we knew it. Then after a long chat, we all went to sleep, well...Mark and Sean did. Connor and I stayed up chatting. "So what do you think of them?" I asked Connor, he shrugged a bit. "They're okay I guess..." He replied, he then whispered something but I didn't hear it so I shook it off. I smiled and hugged him. "I can understand that you don't like them at the moment, but thank you for putting up with them Connor." I told him softly as he wrapped his arms around me slowly. I smiled a bit, then pulled away from the hug and looked at his blue eyes. He looked into my (E/c) eyes. He got closer and so did I, but then pulled away, looking down smiling. "W-we...should get to bed..." I then pulled away all the way and went up stairs to my room, leaving Connor in the living room.

Connor's POV~

I was so close. So close to kissing her. I blushed a bit at the thought. her? I mentally asked myself. I covered my mouth and went up to the room (Y/n) let me sleep in. I pondered about the question I asked myself. I sighed deeply. "She can't possibly love someone like me. I'm a total weeb..." I told myself, smiling sadly then went to sleep, falling into a deep dream that felt too real to even be a dream.

Connor's Dreamland~~~

There I sat, in a beautiful grassy field full of  roses, daisies, buttercups and orchids. (Y/n) ran up the hill and sat next me me. She picked a few flowers and began to make a flower crown. Once she was done, she put it on her head and smiled. "Connor...Wanna know something?" She asked, a light breeze coming through, blowing her hair to the side. I nodded, "Yes." She got close and smiled a bit again. "There's this someone that I like, he has beautiful blue eyes, nice brown hair..." I smiled and chuckled a bit. "Where is he, I'd like to meet him." (Y/n) smiled softly and got a bit closer, I did the same. She softly whispered, "It's you" Before shyly kissing me. It was soft and shy. I kissed back, placing my hand on her cheek and rubbing it slowly with my thumb. She pulled away smiling. "I..." Before she could finished everything vanished.

End of Connor's dream~~~

I quickly woke up, seeing the sun shine through the window. It was just a dream...I thought to myself. I got out of the bed and stretched a bit. I went out to the hallway and saw other doors closed. Looks like I'm the only one awake. I mentally spoke to myself. I went down stairs and saw (Y/n) sitting there on the couch watching TV. "Good morning." She spoke in a soft, sweet tone. I smiled and replied, "Good morning, (Y/n)."

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