Chapter 32

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Connor's POV~

I woke up when the sunlight came through the blinds. I turn over to see (Y/n)'s sleeping form. I smiled and fixed her hair. She really is a sleeping beauty...I thought to myself. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me, rubbing only one eye. "Oh...mor-morning Connor..." She spoke softly as she smiled. I leaned in and kissed her softly, not wanting to put on too much force since she just woke up. She wrapped her arms around my neck slowly as I put my arms next to her head. "How did you sleep?" I asked. She smiled a bit again. "I slept well, what about you?" She spoke softly. "Well enough." I smiled and kissed her again.

(Y/n)'s POV~

I stood up at my suitcase and grabbed a crop-top and a pair of denim shorts. I walked to the bathroom and took a shower, something I needed and longed for since last night. I hummed a bit as I took my shower. The water beating down on my bead, dripping down to my back. It felt nice. I turned it off and got out of the shower dried myself before putting on my clothing. I went down stairs to see Mark and Sean watching TV. I flopped down beside them and watched. 

3rd POV~

(Y/n) was so focused on the TV screen that she didn't hear Mark or Sean planning jump scare on her. Both Mark and Sean said "BOO!" and poked (Y/n). She jumped and slapped Mark. "WHY?!" She yelled, Mark smiled and began to laugh, the slap was worth scaring her. "Hahaha! You should've seen your face (Y/n)! It was priceless!" He spoke, almost dying from his laughter, same happened with Sean. (Y/n) smiled and laughed as well. She couldn't stay angry with the two idiots. Connor came down stairs and saw the three laughing. "What's going on?" He asked. (Y/n) ran up to him and hugged him. "The other two scared the jelly out of me...." She couldn't help but smile, but she tried to stay serious. This made Connor laugh a bit since (Y/n) had on her funny serious face. He picked her up and placed her on the couch, then sat down next to her.

A few hours later, the four went to go out for some food. They were going to have an amazing day, (Y/n) brought some of her music stuff, so she could make her videos and Mark, Sean and Connor could use Mark's recording room to have fun. (Y/n) smiled when she saw a pho place. "Oh! Let's go there!" She spoke pointing to the restaurant. Mark sighed a bit. Nothing can keep her away from Pho...He thought to himself as he pulled into the parking lot. (Y/n) got out of the car, grabbing her (F/c) and (2F/c) purse. Connor held onto (Y/n)'s hand and walked into the food place, it smelled of soup and hot sauce. Mark and Sean followed behind and started a chat. Once they were taken to their (booth or table) they were given menus and waters. 

(Y/n) looked at her menu and sighed. There were so many good choices she didn't know which one to choose.  But she saw her favorite and closed her menu. "I'm ready." She spoke and Connor closed his menu after her and nodded. Soon Mark and Sean closed their menus and the waitress came to take their orders. They all got their orders and spoke to each other. "I can't wait for VidCon, we get to be on the stage, answering questions from fans and doing other things." She chirped with joy. "Yeah, it'll be fun." Mark spoke with his dorky smile. "I mostly want to take pictures with my fans and sign autographs for them." (Y/n) spoke again. Connor smiled. "I hear that this year will be packed with people." Sean nodded and smiled. "It usually is, but this year will be crazy." With that last comment, our food came. The waitress left with her serving tray and smiled. (Y/n) grabbed the hot sauce and put a huge swirl in her pho before mixing it. Mark shook his head. Of course, she goes for the hot sauce first even eating it...Normal (Y/n). Mark smiled before grabbing the hot sauce himself.  (Y/n) ate her pho and tears came to her eyes. Connor looked at her and became a bit worried. "(Y/n)....Why are you crying?" He asked, only to suddenly see (Y/n) smile. "I'm not crying...this is just super good!" She smiled and continued to eat her pho. Everyone soon began to eat together and finished within a hour since they were talking most of the time. 

Mark's POV~

I paid for the food and smiled gave the place a tip. "Thank you for the food, it was great." (Y/n) spoke. The clerk nodded and smiled at her. We soon all left and went back into the car. "Can we go to the mall?" (Y/n) asked. I looked back at her. "Only if you pay for the stuff you're buying." I spoke, (Y/n) just smiled. I started the car and pulled out of the parking lot and drove off, driving towards a mall. I got into a parking spot and stopped the car, getting out with the others. (Y/n) skipped away like a child and Connor followed her close behind. I started to talk to Sean and when I went to look back up at (Y/n), she was gone. "Well, we better go find her before she gets lost..." I spoke and Sean nodded, walking into the mall. 

3rd POV~

(Y/n) had gotten lost in the mall and Connor was no longer with her. She sighed and walked into Hot Topic, picking out a few earrings and clothing items. She saw a Foxy the Pirate Fox shirt and grabbed it, then saw the plushie of him and grabbed that as well. She bought the items and walked out of the store with her first bag of bought things, she still had to go to Fuego, Tokyo anime and other places. She walked off, going further into the mall, unknowing that Lili was there, shopping as well...


Turns into a Sailor Scout and does random sailor moon pose Sailor Minty_Kisses will be back with a new chapter, don't go anywhere~ Random music in backround

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