Chapter 30

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I'm so sorry this chapter is late, I had writers block and ugh! It ticked me off more than having to make a rival such as Lili...But please enjoy my lovely readers. Sorry if it seems shorter than other chapters...


Connor told Mark and Sean he wanted to ask (Y/n) to marry him at VidCon. Since (Y/n) was slightly oblivious, she had no clue what was going on. That night Mark and the crew played a few challenges. The Whisper Challenge, Finish My Sentence Challenge and the Beanboozled Challenge. When they did the beanboozled challenge, (Y/n) somehow got all the good ones while everyone else got the bad ones. Mark, Sean and Connor made the craziest faces that (Y/n) has ever seen. Connor cringed hard while Mark and Sean felt like they wanted to vomit. It was funny until it really happened and (Y/n) became the mother of the two. Patting their backs and makig them some soup. After watching a few movies, they all went to sleep, waiting for morning to come.

As morning came, they all agreed to go to Disneyland. While (Y/n) was packing a clear with snacks and drinks, the other three were getting ready. "Okay, so we now have snacks and drinks, what else do we need?" (Y/n) asked. Sean looked like he was going to say something, but Mark spoke before him. "A autograph book and pens." Sean nodded then Connor spoke. "Maybe some gum." (Y/n) nodded and grabbed a piece of paper and oen writing the things down. "Autograph booklet, pens, gum...Oh chap stick." She spoke as she wrote the list down. "I think that's it..." She finished. Everyone else nodded and ate breakfast.

Everyone got in Mark's car as he drove to a certain parking lot. Just across the way was the entrance to Disneyland. (Y/n) being the child she was on the inside got excited and clapped her hands together once. As they got out of the car, she was suddenly approached by three girls. "Omg! You're (YT/n)!!! Can we like, get your autograph?!" The first girl asked as the other two nodded. They handed her a piece of thick paper and a sharpie. (Y/n) nodded and took the paper and sharpie. She signed her name in a very fancy and beautiful writing. She suddenly make little sparkles around her name and put a little microphone at the end of her name. She gave the sharpie and paper back to the girls as they ran off fangirling. (Y/n) giggled softly. "Looks like we'll be doing our autographs as well." She spoke.  Mark, Sean and Connor agreed with a nod.

They all went to the entrance and they were all approached by fans. They signed thick papers with sharpies. (Y/n) looked around and saw a little girl sitting alone by herself. She walked up to her and kneeled down in front of her. "Hey, what's wrong?" (Y/n) asked in a caring voice. The little girl looked at the woman in front of her and tears formed in her eyes. "My mama is gone....I can't find her..." The small child told. Her voice was shaky and hugged the woman. Mark, Connor and Sean walked up to (Y/n) and looked at the little girl. "Sweetheart, what's your name?" (Y/n) asked softly. The little girl then answered. "My name is Kristy Adams." (Y/n) pulled away from Kristy and smiled. "Well Kristy, I'm (Y/n). I'll help you find your mom, okay?" Kristy nodded and got up from the bench she was sitting on. She held on to (Y/n)'s hand and walked along with her, but she had no clue that she was with the amazing cover song artist (YT/n). 

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