Chapter 15

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Connor's POV~

I sat next to (Y/n). Her (E/c) eyes were sparkling. I smiled a bit and put my hand on my cheek, where she kissed it. Holy damn....She's so cute...I thought to myself. I closed my eyes and smiled. "Hey, I want to travel with you." (Y/n) suddenly spoke. I suddenly opened one eye and looked at her. "When do you want to start traveling?" She asked. I thought for a moment. Hmm, good question, I haven't even thought about it...I thought to myself. I shrugged and looked at her. "How about," A pause. "In a week." I told. (Y/n) smiled and nodded in agreement. 

I ended up spending the night at (Y/n)'s again, I was too lazy to go home, even thought I literally live right next to her. I asked if I could sleep with her, she said no so I took a spare room she had and fell asleep. The next morning I saw (Y/n) packing for our trip, I should do the same thing....I mentally told myself. I told her I was going to go and she gave me and hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. 

(Y/n)'s POV~

I continued to back after I said a good bye to Connor. I smiled. I'm going to travel with the man I love and cared for. After my packing, i decided to make myself some food. As I was eating I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw that Connor had texted me.

Connor: Hey, sorry for not staying for breakfast.

(Y/n): No, don't worry about it Connor. 

I sent an sticker that read "It's alright". I smiled when I saw the emoji Connor sent which was a smiley face. 

For the past few hours, I was talking to Connor over the phone. We were cracking jokes, and telling more about our selves. I didn't know how to say I loved him it was too hard to do it at the moment. I just let him talk to me. I smiled and we ended the call. I put my phone away and rested my head on the table, falling asleep, waiting for the next morning to come and go. 


sorry for the short chapter my amazing followers and people ~Everything_Anime

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