Chapter 22

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"Hello?" I asked on my phone. Suddenly a voice came through from the other side. I knew it too well. "Hey Sean..."

3rd POV~
(Y/n) and Sean ended up talking for a whole two hours. She wanted to know how he was doing and wondering when he would come back to visit with Mark. He said sometimes hopefully next month, which was the month that Connor and (Y/n) were suppose to travel Europe. But she ended up canceling it quickly because of Connor's  ex, Lili. (Y/n) then called Mark to see what he was planning next month. He said he was going to pay a visit with Sean. She smiled to herself, knowing she can count on two of her closest friends. She then hung up and ate dinner then watched The Lego Batman Movie, laughing her ass off at all the funny parts of it.

Connor's POV~
I sat in my house, waiting for my phine to buzz or something. It's been a bout two full weeks that (Y/n) has been ignoring me. I suddenly gotna text. I thought it was (Y/n), but it was Lili.

Lili: So, about our trip~

Me: You're not going for the last time...-_-

Lili: Ugh! Are you still obsessed over that YouTuber-wannabe?! She's such a bitch!

Me: Lili, unlike you, she has over 2 million fans and subscribers. Also she's not clingy like you who obsesses over me.

After that, my phone didn't go off for the rest of the day. I suddenly got a text, it was from (Y/n). My eyes went wide when I saw the text.

(Y/n): I'm not going to Europe. I'm being visited by true friends...

I looked at my phone for a long few seconds before turning it off. Lilly is really getting to her...I need to fix this broken relationship with (Y/n). I thought to myself, thinking ways to fixn my friendship with her. Maybe a bundle of lavender or roses. I paced my house trying to think, then the thought came to mind. A movie. I'll take her to go seenthe new Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

(Y/n)'s POV~
I sighed as I turned off my TV and PS4. I went up to my room and flopped down on my bed, face planting into my pillows. I hugged them to my face before slowly falling asleep. I ended up having multiple dreams, but the one I remembered most was with Connor.

[Time skip brought to you by...Dreamtalia!!!]

The next morning I woke up energized. My phone suddenly began to get spammed like crazy.. I picked up my phone to see that many of them were on twitter and three of them were from Connor. I put my phone down and laid back down. "Not right is my lazy day..." I said to myself.

//When you all have time watch Kyokoon64's Dreamtalia, it's amazing!

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