Chapter 26

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Connor's POV~


(Y/n) looked at me with horror, her eyes becoming glossy, tears pouring out of her eyes. I looked at her arms and legs, seeing cuts, old and fresh ones. She held what looked like a bottle of pills to her mouth. She was just about to gulp them down like nothing and possibly end her life right there. This is what Lili did to (Y/n)...I thought to myself. I walked up to her slowly, but (Y/n) scooted away slightly. "Get away from me!" She cried, "Let me just kill myself, you're better off with her than me anyways. She's prettier and rich..." She looked down at the bottle of pills in her hand before putting them near her mouth and tipping the bottle.

I walked up to her and took the bottle of pills before throwing them away. "This is not how it works. I don't even want to be with Lili anymore..." I spoke, anger showing in my voice as tears blurred my vision of (Y/n). She walked off to her closet and grabbed a sharp object and cutting her pale skin, crying as she did so. Her crying made me want to hug her, but hunt down Lili, but I did what was most important.

(Y/n)'s POV~

As I dug the razor in my skin more and more on the old cuts, they ripped and blood dripped on the ground. I quickly did it to my other arm and then my legs and thighs all over again. Connor walked up to me again and grabbed the razor from me, the only thing I could just stab myself with. I went deeper into my closet and took out a box where I had all my bottles of pills. Connor suddenly yelled at me. "(Y/n)!" I looked at him as he grabbed my cut arm. I winced in pain. He didn't seem to care though. He sat down and put me on his lap and nuzzled my neck slightly. I felt something drip on my neck, it was wet and it was one by one, sometimes two by two. I looked back at Connor to hear him cry only so softly.

3rd POV~

Connor cried into (Y/n)'s pale skin. He was so angry that he could yell in German but so sad that he could just die himself. "Dammit (Y/n)..." He spoke through his tears, his voice shaking only so slightly. (Y/n) was about to speak, but Connor cut her off. "I fucking love you...Not that snobby bitch Lili! You have no clue how much you bloody mean to me!" (Y/n) continued to look at Connor as the tears from her eyes escaped. She whispered something softly, Connor couldn't make out what she said. "I don't care what that git thinks...She's just an ass that needs to stop her ranting about you!" Connor lifted his face off of (Y/n)'s neck and sighed softly before wiping away his tears. (Y/n) turned towards him and cupped his face with her hands. She was going to say something again, but like before Connor cut her off. "I fucking love you. And I don't want to see you like this again...Understand?" (Y/n) bit her lower lip and nodded a bit. "I wan-" Connor was cut off.

Connor's POV~

I was cut off by (Y/n) who was kissing me. My gaze went soft as I cupped her cheek and kissed her back. I felt tears touch my thumb softly. I opened my eyes and wiped away her tears before deepening the kiss just a bit. As I pulled away for air, (Y/n) looked at me, then down at her hands. "I'm sorry...." She spoke softly, "I'm so sorry Connor..." She spoke again. Her voice was getting more shaky by the second. Her eyes becoming more glossy than before. "I didn't want to do this...but it just happened. I'm sorry..." She began to cry and she covered her face with her hands, leaning the top of her head on my chest.

I petted her head and held her close to me, trying to calm her down slowly. But she only kept crying. I didn't know what to do so I lifted her covered face towards me and gently uncovered her face. I leaned in and kissed her. She seemed to slowly stop crying when I did.

(Y/n)'s POV~

I brought my hands to the collar of Connor's shirt and brought him closer into the kiss. I felt his hands grab onto the side of my shoulders and bring me closer into the kiss as well. I finally stopped crying, but a few tears still escaped from my eyes. We continued to kiss until the desperate need for air. We broke apart and took in a breath before coming back together. But things slowly took a turn. Connor slowly reached his way down to my neck, kissing every part of it. As soon as he found the spot that made me moan softly, he sucked on it until the spot was red, marking me as his. After our make out session, we both went to bed in my room. I was cuddled up to him to stay warm. Maybe my story will have a happy ending after all. I ended up with a small smile on my face.

Connor...You saved me...I thought to myself just before I went into my deep slumber.

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