Chapter 11

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(Y/n)'s POV~

After the big wheel, Connor and I began to walk to the Big Ben. This was probably the closest we've been to each other. Next to each other's sides. I couldn't help but slightly blush. "Want to take a picture with me Connor?" I asked softly. Connor looked down at me. "Hmm? Oh sure." I smiled and pulled out my phone. I stood in front of him and lifted my phone, then began to take pictures.

A few second later, we were taking pictures of us pretending to hold the Big Ben. We took funny pictures. Serious pictures, and did a few snapchats. I looked over the pictures and thought about making a tribute video with the pictures. I smiled a bit and grabbed his hand, running off. "Let's go get some cookies!"

Connor's POV~

I stumbled a bit when (Y/n) grabbed my hand and began to run. She was full of so much energy. I loved that about her. I smiled and follower her, holding her smaller hand in mine. I guess I could say she was like a puppy, bunny, and kitten. She can be excited, shy and very calm. We went into a small shop with many different types of cookies. Chocolate chip, M&M, sugar cookies, cheesecake. You name the flavor, it was there. (Y/n) ended up buying a few cheesecake, M&M and chocolate chip cookies. Later she bought macaroons, and gifts for both Mark and Sean. 

3rd POV~

While (Y/n) and Connor were walking around together, Mark and Sean were at a bench watching happy couples, and singles walk by. "Sean...Did you hear what (Y/n) said?" Sean nodded. "It almost sounded like a proposal, but I'm sure it wasn't like how it sounded." Sean spoke. Mark hated to admit it, but Sean was right. Maybe it wasn't a proposal...Mark thought to himself. He saw (Y/n) and Connor coming their way and nudged Sean on the arm. "Hey, how was your walk?" Sean asked. (Y/n) only smiled, sweetly as normal. "It was amazing, I might go to Scotland and Wales with Connor..." She then looked down. "I wish you both could come along." She spoke with a sad smile. "We wish that as well, but remember, we're busy. Maybe I can show you around Ireland once day." Sean spoke with a smile. "Speaking of, I have to get back home by tomorrow." Sean looked down at his watch and Mark nodded.

Mark's POV~

I walked with Sean, (Y/n) and Connor. (Y/n) hated it when we couldn't spend a lot of time together, but she knew why. We had a lot of fun the rest of the night. Sean then left to go back to Ireland and I only stayed a bit longer since my plane didn't leave till 10:30 pm. I hugged (Y/n) and bro hugged Connor. I left in a taxi, waving to (Y/n) and Connor. I smiled knowing Connor would be a kind person and become great friends with (Y/n).

(Y/n)'s POV~

I waved until I couldn't see the Taxi that Mark was in. Connor also left to his house. I went up to my room and found Sean's Sam sweater and Mark's flannel. I shook my head and smiled a bit. They were known to leave their belongings at my house. I then found a slip of paper. I unfolded it and found a phone number. At the bottom it read Connor's cell. I smiled and grabbed my phone then put his contact in my phone. I then texted him with emojies just to have fun.

After texting Conner for a while, I did the laundry, garbage, and put dishes away. After my chores I made muffins and a few cookies. I packed one of each in a bag, then in a box. I had three boxes. I put Mark's and Sean's address on two and left the third blank. I was going to give that to Connor. I went to the post office and paid for the packages to be sent to Mark and Sean, then left. I took Connor's box and set it on his porch. I knocked on his door loudly then ran off to my house quickly.

Connor's POV~

I heard a loud knock on my door. I went to my door and opened it, seeing a small box, it didn't have anything on it. No address, no name, nothing. I picked it up and opened it. A sweet aroma came from it. I smiled and completely opened it. I opened the bag as well. I saw a good looking Muffin and cookie. I ate both in 30 seconds. I wonder if (Y/n) made them....I thought to myself, still smiling.

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