Chapter 36

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the next day went by fast and now a week has passed. The group was on there way to VidCon. Mark drove and sang along with everyone since the song Classic was on. (Y/n) was of course, singing as well, but she was more focused on looking out the window, watching trees go by. She smiled and kept singing along. The car stopped and there was a building in front of them. (Y/n) quickly got out and smiled, luckily they weren't being crowded by random people like in Disneyland. (Y/n) sighed with grief. But then smiled again. Connor got out and stood next to her, excited as well, but he kept his excitement on the inside. As Mark and Sean get out of the car, the group walk into the building, going back stage, the event would be happening in a few minutes, so they had to get ready fast.

(Y/n)'s POV~

Luckily I was mostly done with getting ready, I just needed to put my hair up in a halo braid, which was being done right now by a stylist. Connor was just waiting while Mark and Sean were talking to each other. My halo braid was soon finished we all stood next to the stairs that led to the stage. We were all given microphones so we could speak and everyone could hear us. "And now welcoming the event for tonight!" The announcer spoke, the lights went off and we all went on the stage, going to our seats, but I stood up since I was doing to introducing. A spotlight was turned on over me and everyone went crazy. 

"It's (YT/n)!"

"She's so much prettier in real life!"

"Sing for us!!!"

I smiled a bit and laughed. "I'll sing after the event, but for right now. I have a few friends with me, and we're happy to be here." I smiled and another spotlight turned on, only to show the back of a chair. "For our first chair, we have...Jacksepticeye!" The chair turned around and he got up and waved. "Hello VidCon!" He sat back down.  I smiled as another spotlight came on, revealing another back of a chair. "Second, the King of Fnaf, were have Markiplier!" The chair turned, and no one was there. Everyone gasped, suddenly a voice came on the stereos. "Oh no, seems like Markiplier is off stage, let's give him a controlled shock and see if he'll come out." A bright blue light suddenly came on in the back and Mark came on the stage. "Oh, hey everyone, sorry, just had to deal with something..." He spoke in his mic and everyone laughed, he sat down and waited. I took in a deep breath and smiled. "Last but not least, in the last chair." The spotlight came on again, revealing another back of a chair. "We have an amazing voice actor. The one who voices Sebastian Michaelis, please welcome CDawgVA!!!" I spoke as the chair turned around, revealing CDawgVA. Most of the girls screamed out his name.

"Call me!"

"It's Sebast-chan!"

"Why can't he be younger?!"

"CDawgVA, you're such a pretty boy!!!"

I smiled and sat down, then began to speak again. "So, we have a person with a mic off stage, you may ask questions, but if it's personal, then we won't answer. So, who'd like to answer questions first?" Connor stood up and did his Sebastian voice. "Well, I'll start us off." He spoke and hands were raised.

Connor's POV~

I looked around, wondering who I should choose. "Hmm, the lady in the back with the red shirt." I spoke and the man with the mic went up to here, putting the mic up to her. "Hi, I'm Lyla and I was wondering when you're going to make it official with (Y/n)." The female, or Lyla spoke. I had to think for a moment. "Hmm, good question, I think it is official." I spoke with a smooth voice, most girls smiled brightly, but there were also those that had the creepy smile. I sat down and the next person went.

Mark's POV~

I stood up and looked around. "I don't even have to ask, they just raise." I laughed and most people in the crowd laughed. "I'll go with the young man in the blue." The mic man walked over to him and he spoke. "Hola, I'm Antonio. I was wondering when you're going to do another video with Matthias or Jack." I thought for a moment. "Good question, I'd like to do the Disney song challenge with Sean here and maybe do another challenge with Matthias and Team Edge." I said then sat down. I looked over and looked at Sean who stood up.

Sean's POV~

"Hello VidCon!" I spoke with my normal, everyday Irish accent. Everyone said hello back. I chose a person with their hand raised and the mic man walked dover to him. The man, who looked middle aged spoke. "John here, erm. So if you're such good friends with (Y/n), then why don't you know her favorite color or food and drink?" He spoke and the crowd went 'ooooohhhhh'. Damn the roast. "Heh, good question. But that doesn't matter, the friendship matters most." I spoke. I was about to sit down, but fell on my butt. Everyone laughed.

(Y/n)'s POV~

I was about to stand up when many hands went up in the air. I laughed and looked around. I chose a little girl who looked like the little girl I met is Disneyland. I smiled at the little girl. "U-uhm, hello Miss (YT/n). So my question is, when are you gonna prove that you and CDawgVA are a thing?" I smiled and walked back to Connor and kissed him.

The crowd gasped.

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