Chapter 27

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The next day Connor woke up, seeing his beautiful one sleeping peacefully next to him. He smiled and brushed some hair out of her face. He got up and took a shower then got dressed . He walked downstairs and started to make breakfast for both (Y/n) and himself.

Connor's POV~

As I made breakfast, I heard (Y/n) come down the stairs quiet like as she rubbed her eyes like a child. She was wearing a really cute long sweater that read "I'm with my favorite idiot". Hmm, I wonder who that could be~ I mentally spoke to myself. She was now by my side, hugging me as I made her favorite flavored pancakes.

When I got finished, I put them on two plates, two for each of us. (Y/n) went to the table and did a morning yawn as I joined her. "(Y/n)," I spoke. She looked at me with her (E/c) eyes that seemed to be bigger than normal. "Are you still gonna go to VidCon in LA?" I asked. She nodded. "Yeah, I can't wait to see Mark and Sean again, even though they visited a month ago." She seemed happy so I just smiled and nodded at her. "I hope you have fun there." I spoke then began to eat.

(Y/n)'s POV~

I smiled at Connor, what he didn't know was that I had a plane ticket for him to go to VidCon as well, and since his birthday was coming soon, I thought I'd give it to him then. After breakfast, we went to my room and cleaned it out. We threw out all the pills and the razors I had in my closet. "Thank you for forgiving me Connor..." I looked down, only to feel my face being lifted by Connor. I faced him and blushed a bit. He came in close and I just closed my eyes, nothing happened. He let go of my chin and pulled away. "Jerk! Don't tease me like that!" I shoved him a bit to only hear him laugh. "You know, you're cute when you're angry." He laughed again which only made me blush. I shook my head and smiled. I could never stay angry at him. As we continued to clean out my closet he found his present that he didn't know about. I quickly snatched it from him. "This is a birthday present..." I spoke before I put it in one of my drawers without him knowing.

After we finished cleaning, I took a shower and got dressed, it was time to make another song cover. I went on my Twitter, but Connor took my phone and whispered to me a song he wanted me to do. I smiled and nodded. "Great idea Connor. Let's go to the recording room." I grabbed his hand and walked across the hall to my recording room and set everything up. I got the back ground music set up and I turned on my camera, starting the recording.

"Helloooo everyone, (YT/n) here with another song cover. This might have not been recommended from you, my fans and subscribers, but I think you'll like it since it's from an Anime that came out this year. So please enjoy."

"Can you hear my heartbeat?

Tired of feeling never enough

I close my eyes and tell myself

that my dreams will come true"

"There'll be no more darkness

when you believe in yourself you are unstoppable

Where your destiny lies, dancing on

the blades, you set my heart on fire

Don't stop us now, the moment of truth"

"We were born to make history

We'll make it happen, we'll turn it around

Yes, we were born to make history"

"Born to make history"

Don't stop us now, the moment of truth

We were born to make history

We'll make it happen, we'll turn it around

Yes, we were born to make history.

"Can you hear my heartbeat?

I've got a feeling it's never too late

I close my eyes and see myself

how my dreams will come true"

"There'll be no more darkness

when you believe in yourself you are unstoppable

Where your destiny lies, dancing on

the blades, you set my heart on fire"

"Don't stop us now, the moment of truth

We were born to make history

We'll make it happen, we'll turn it around

Yes, we were born to make history"

"Born to make history"

"Don't stop us now, the moment of truth

We were born to make history

We'll make it happen, we'll turn it around

Yes, we were born to make history"

"We were born to make history"

"Yes, we were born to make history!~"

I smiled as I ended. "Thank you everyone for watching, this song will be on the iTunes app as soon as I upload it on there. If you're new to this channel make sure to hit that like and subscribe. Thank you and Buh-bye my listeners!~" The video ended after I waved. I smiled and uploaded it on YouTube quickly. Born to Make History was my song that made feel like I could do anything.

After an hour, my video already had more than three-thousand likes. The comment section was loaded with comments from my fans. I smiled when I suddenly a notification from Connor on my phone. I looked at him then at the post. I read it as my eyes went wide.

Connor: (Y/n), Listen. I love you for you. I'm sorry about what happened between Lili and I, but I want to be with you. I want to start a new adventure with you. I know we have our fights and all, but will you now look at me?

I looked at Connor who was right behind me. His mouth was next to my ear and he softly whispered to me. "(Y/n), I promise to protect you, so I just have a question." He spoke, before leaning closer to my ear, wrapping his arms around me slowly. "Will you, Ms. (L/n) be my girlfriend?"

3rd POV~

(Y/n)'s eyes went wide. She blushed deep red as Connor planted small kisses on the crook of her neck, soon nuzzling it. (Y/n) smiled and turned towards Connor, pulling him close, her forehead touching his. She looked into his beautiful green colored eyes with her (E/c) eyes that seemed to shine with joy. "Yes." Was the only word she whispered before getting a sweet, long and loving kiss from Connor.

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