Chapter 13

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3rd POV~

(Y/n) woke up yawning a bit. She looked around then became shocked. She forgot Connor had came over last night. Holy hell! I slept with him! Her heart began to beat really fast. Her face went red. (Y/n) looked down to see her hand in his. Her heart began to skip beats. At this point, she was redder than a strawberry. She let go of his hand and stood up. (Y/n) looked at her hand and sighed. Holding his hand felt right...She mentally spoke. (Y/n) then went up to take a shower. 

Connor's POV~

I woke up and smelled something amazing. I licked my lips. Pancakes... I jolted up and went to the kitchen. I saw (Y/n) making blueberry pancakes with scrambled eggs and bacon. Once she was finished, she served me first, planting a sweet smile on her face. She then served herself and sat at the table with me. "So how did you sleep?" I asked. She suddenly stopped eating and looked at me with a slight rose pink face. "I...erm. I slept we-well...What about you?" She spoke, stuttering. I looked at her then realized why she was blushing. We ended up sleeping together. Hand in hand. "I slept well,  thanks for breakfast."

After breakfast, I did the dishes. (Y/n) just relaxed at the couch. After I did the dishes, I sat with her. She was watching Peter Pan when I sat next to her. I never knew she had such a childish side to her, it was cute. 

(Y/n)'s POV~

I sat on the couch watching on of my favorite movies, Peter Pan. Even though the movie makes me deeply depressed, I still loved it. I felt Connor's eyes look at me. Ugh, I can't get him out of my mind. His hair, eyes, personality and accent. I sighed softly and rest my head on his shoulder. I still have the same question; Do I love him? The question was hard to answer still. 

After the movie was over, I sat up and looked at Connor, caressing his right cheek softly. Connor leaned into it, closing his beautiful blue orbs, and placed his hand over my smaller one. I slowly leaned in. He opened his eyes and leaned in as well. Next thing I knew, Connor quickly put his lips upon mine. My eyes went wide, but slowly closed my (E/c) eyes. 

3rd POV~

The kiss lasted for about minute before the need of air. Panting and breathing heavily, both Connor and (Y/n) looked at each others eyes full of love. (Y/n)'s eyes had a very shy look in them. To Connor, it was cute the way she acted after the kiss. Covering her face, becoming shy, even though he knew she liked it. He took her hands in his and kissed the knuckles. (Y/n) blushed a bit before Connor kissed her forehead softly. All (Y/n) did was smile. She then whispered softly, "I want to go on an adventure with you..." Then kissed Connor again. 

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