Chapter 17

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(Y/n)'s POV~

After I updated my newest song cover, I decided to have a lazy day. I went down stairs and watched Fairy Tail, one of my favorite animes. I fell asleep as the episodes came and went by quickly. I had slept for more than three hours. Guess song covers really knock me out.

Two more hours passed and when I woke up It was past 7:30, P.M. I sighed and went to the kitchen. "What to make?" I looked in my fridge and looked inside it. I grabbed some tomato sauce and spaghetti noodles. As I made my food, my phone went off a few dings before I picked it up. I got a text from Sean and Mark. 

Mark: Hey, (Y/n), the next VidCon is in LA, California. Do you plan on going?

Me: Well, duh! I can't leave my fans hanging!

I then looked at Sean's texts. I raised a brow when I only saw Emojies for his sentence. I sighed a bit and stirred my sauce. 

Me: Sean...I don't read emojies!

Sean: Aww, (Y/n) c'mon. You know exactly what I'm asking about....

Me: ugh...Let's see. 

I read his sentence of emojies and sighed a bit, but smiled. 

Me: Yes, I'm going to VidCon.

Sean: Okay, Mark is going as well, see you there!

I smiled a bit at Sean's personality. Even though we were just texting each other, I could tell that he was happy to know I was going to VidCon. I served myself my spaghetti and ate alone, I thought for a moment. Who am I forgetting to text? I continued to think and his name suddenly came to mind. OH! Connor! I grabbed my phone and texted him. 

Me: Hey Connor!

Connor: Hello (Y/n).

I smiled a bit.

Me: Are you going to VidCon this year?

Connor's POV~

I looked at (Y/n)'s text and thought for a moment. Should I go  to VidCon this year? It is in California this year...So why not.

Me: Yeah, I'm going to VidCon this year, are you?

(Y/n): Hell yes!

She suddenly sent a cat emoji that was smiling. I smiled and bit and continued to text (Y/n). As we both texted each other, she would send emojies after a few of her texts. Guess she's in a good mood. I mentally spoke to myself. Maybe I'll go see her tomorrow. I smiled and saw she sent a sticker that read "You Rock". I laid my phone down and sat on my couch. What to do, what to do? I sighed softly. I grabbed my phone and walked out of my house. I guess I'll go to (Y/n)'s. I locked my door and went to her house that was next to mine. I knocked on her door and heard someone running to the door. She opened. "Hello Connor!" She smiled, I looked down at her and smiled a bit. "Hello (Y/n), mind if I come it?" (Y/n) nodded and got out of the way to let me in. "Of course. I just had dinner, do you want some?" I simply nodded before speaking, "Yes please, (Y/n)."

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