Chapter 1: The Room Of Regulus

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As the summer days come and my birthday was only a few days away, I was spending the summer with Aria and Sirius as my dad stayed at Hogwarts an Harry went to with the Weasleys.. Like he always does..

As me and Aria sat on her bed as she showed me some old pictures that Sirius had gave her for Christmas she thought they were interesting.
The one that we were looking at were of two young boys on was 17 and the other was 19.. Both of them had black and curly hair and one of the boys were dressed nicely as the other was was wearing a band tee shirt.

"So that one is your dad and the other is Sirius" I said as I pointed at the photo as the photo moved as the neatly dressed boy moved his hair back.  "Correct.. I have to say, I can't believe uncle Sirius ran around looking like that" said Aria with a chuckle as she looked at me.

"Well at least I haven't seen one of my dad when he was younger" I said as I looked at Aria as she gave me a evil grin. "You say that know" said Aria as she pulled a hole box out that I guessed that held Photos.

Aria began to dig through the box and a few minutes later she held up a photo.. "Found it" she said as she handed me a photo. As I took the photo and I looked at it,  I was amazed how everyone looks. "This is when Sirius, Your dad and Remus we're 17.. I just wonder where your mum is at" said Aria as she tapped the photo softly

There stood my dad with his hand in his pants pocket and a sweater with his hair nicely done, while sirius was rocking a black tee shirt and pants with rips in them.. As Remus on the other hand was wearing khakis and a brown cardigan an had less scars on his face then he dose now.

"Who knew my dad wore sweaters" I said as I looked at Aria as she gave me a shrug.. "Who knew Sirius wore ripped jeans" said aria with a bit of a chuckle.

"Aria, can I keep this" I said as I held up the photo as she nodded. "Sure,  you can black mail your dad with that or even better My uncle" said aria with a smile. "Sure I'll definitely use this on Sirius" I said with a bit of a snicker as I sat the photo on the Night stand.

"So Aria, do you have any photos of your mum" I said as I looked at her as she got up from sitting on the bed..
"I heard your the one for adventures.. Let's go look in my dads room that hasn't been touched since he past,  there might be some there" said aria as I stood up and walked towards her..  "I do love adventures..  Let's get going then" I said as I looked at Aria as I saw the resemblance she had to her dad and Sirius.


As we walked down a dark hallway that was dimly lit with candles. As we passed the many countless doors that were covered in cob webs, we stopped at the only door with out cob webs and a clean plaque an the plaque said:

                 Regulus A. Black

"This is it" said aria as she opened her fathers bedroom door. As we both walked in I noticed aria was right.. No one had touched her dads room is was very dusty and very clean. I saw by his head board was a quidditch poster.

"I really wished I would of meet my dad..  He seems like a cool guy" said aria as she looked around as she saw a framed photo on his night stand an went over to the photo.

"He dose seem like I nice person.. Aria did you know your dad was a quidditch player for Slytherin" I said as I walked towards her as I saw what she was looking at it was her mum and dad with each other.

Her mum had long brown hair and huge smile as her and Aria's dad danced.. "I didn't know" she said as she continued to look at the photo in Aw.

"They looked so happy then" she said as I looked over her shoulder. "they do Aria, at least we know there happy with each other now" I said as I scratched my nose. "Ya they are..  My dad he had died before I was born.." said aria we heard a voice. "Girls let go..  I made some cookies" said a voice with a bit of worry in it.  We both turned and and there stood Sirius leaned against the door frame.

"let go Aria, he has cookies" I said as aria sat down the photo and turned around.. "you better get going before I eat them all" said Aria said as she ran off. "Aria" I yelled as I ran after her as Sirius moved out the way.. But he stayed behind..

"Why did you have to do what you did Reggie" said sirius as he looked at the room one last time before he shut the door  stood and looked at the plaque

Wow guys chapter one of book 3.. I hope you guys are very exited for how I am going to do this since Sirius isn't in Azkaban.. Don't worry it's going to be very eventful an shocking.. Remember guys to comment Remus, Sirius or Neville for your vote for who ends up with Eileen.. Remember guys vote for the chapter if you liked the chapter and follow if you haven't yet!!

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