17: The first Conjuring

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"Do you think shes alive" asked Neville as he gave a sniffle. "Who even let you in here longbottom" exclaim draco as i began to open my eyes. "Harry she waking up" said neville as i gave a yawn. "Eileen, you're up" exclaimed harry as i sat up. "Harry what happened" i said as i rubbed the back of my head. "You took a great fall, Lupin said it was a dementer that made you fall. Dumbledore is furious" said harry as he sat at my feet. "where's my broom" i said as i looked at harry as he looked to Draco and Aria. "um Eileen, your boom.. It kinda went into the womping willow" said aria as she sat my broken broom on my lap as it was broken in two.

"That thing was difficult to recover" exclaimed draco as Neville wanted to say something but i could tell​ he was nervous. "Neville, do you want to say something" i asked as he nodded his head. "I brought you this for a get well present" said neville as he sat a potted cactus on the tabled next to the bed as it was about to bloom its winter flowers. "Thanks neville, that's very kind of you" i said with a smile as the Infirmary doors opened and it was my dad and Remus. "All of you out" exclaimed my dad as he pointed at the door as neville quickly got out of the room as fast as he could. "I said get out" he said my dad as every one else got out including my brother who quickly jumped off of the bed and ran out with Aria.

As the double door shut my dad and remus came towards the bed. "Eileen, in two days i want you to meet me in my office.. Were going to start your training on how to protect your self against Dementers" said remus as he put his hand on the end of the bed. "Dumbledore has canceled the Quidditch season.. So no more practice"Exclaimed my dad as he crossed his arms. "All right, ill meet you in your office remus.. But what will i be learning" i said as i looked at Remus as my dad tapped his foot as i could tell he hated me getting hurt. And always ending up in the Infirmary. "all i have to say, think of your happiest thought" said remus right before​ he walked off. "Eileen, i want you to be careful from now.. No mater what, do you promise" said my dad as he looked at me with a small smile. "I promise" i said as i looked up at my dad and smiled back.

Two days have passed, since Remus had told me to think of my happiest memory. I slowly knocked on remus office door as i began to smile as i thought of me and Neville studying together.. Which is a very wired happy memory, even for me. "Come in" said Remus voice as i heard shuffling coming from the room. I opened the office door as i saw his office was very similar to his back in grimwald place. As the door shut behind me, remus was sitting on a Trunk as i took of my bag. "Remus, what is in the trunk" i asked as i threw my bag next to the door. "Its going to help train you" said remus as he stood as he fix his cardigan, As the trunk started to shake like the wardrobe did. As i looked closer at the trunk, i saw that it was Remus old School trunk as it had a Gryffindor lion on the lock and it had Remus&Sirius engraved into it. "how is a trunk going to help me" i question as i leaned against the book shelf next to the door. "The thing in it is going to helo you but the trunk has taken a beating over the years" exclaimed Remus as he kicked the trunk with the back of his foot. "wait, you got a dementor in that trunk" i exclaimed as i quit leaning on the bookshelf. "you'll see" said remus as he walked forward and brought me in front of the trunk. "Draw your wand and point it at the trunk" said Remus as i took my wand out of my front pocket and pointed at the trunk as remus walked behind the trunk. "now eileen, many people cant get this spell perfect on the first try, so dont get frustrated" said remus as he looked at me and i nodded my head. "Got it" i replied as remus tapped his fringers on the trunk. "have your happiest memory locked in your head and repeat after me" said Remus as he cleared his throat. "expecto patronum" he said as his brown eyes looked into my black eyes. "expecto patronum" i repeated as remus had a smile on his face as i could tell he was happy. "good job.. Are you ready" said remus as he hovered his wand over the lock. "im ready remus" i exclaimed as i took a deep breath As i heald my wand out steady. Remus tapped his wand on the lock and it popped open along with the lid. As i cleared my throat, the dementor slowly came out of trunk as it came fully out of the trunk Remus said something. "Now" yelled Remus as i held my wand towards the dementor.

"expecto patronum" i yelled as a small
Blue mist came out of my wand and covered the dementor an it slowly fell back into the trunk And remus quickly closed it and locked it. "Eileen, Great job.. Not many people have done it on there first" said remus as he sat on the trunk. "thanks remus.. But what is my mothers Patronus" i asked as i sat next to Remus. "it was a very pretty doe.. May i ask what were you thinking when you did it" asked remus as me crossed his legs. "I thought of me helping neville with his work" i said with a smile as remus gave a grin. "Interesting, Do you like him" asked remus as he looked at me. "No never, he is like a friend" i exclaimed as remus shook his head "Alright, what ever you say" he exclaimed as he shrugged in response.

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