18: It was our mum

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As i sat in the library flipping throw the library's copy of history of magic as i had missed placed mine some were at Grimwald place. As I came to a stop at on a page that was titled                       Corporal Patronus
Before i could read on, i heard  a voice that was really familiar as they talked to there self. "Were could she be, she has to be around here some were" said the voice as i looked behind me it was harry, as he passed one of the bookshelfs looking for me. "Harry im over here" i said as i put a sheet of parchment on the page i was at and shut the book as harry came towards me an sat across from me.

"Why do i always find you here" asked harry as he took off his glasses and cleaned them. "it holds a lot of knowledge, possibly  you'll thank me on day for reading the books in here" i said as he put his glasses back on. "I hope not" he explained as he got a glimpse of the book that i was reading. "History of magic, haven't you read that already" added harry as he pointed his finger at the book. "Ya, i was reading about somthing.. An i thought you would like to hear about what i found out" i exclaimed as he put his hands behind his head. "go on" said harry as he got comfortable. " Harry you remember 3 years ago how our life's changed when we saw the light blue doe" i exclaimed to harry as he lend forward and he removed his hands from the back of his neck. "ya i remember but i just cant believe its been that long" exclaimed harry as he looked at me as i opened the history of magic. "The doe that we saw was a Patronus" i exclaimed as i turned the book around and pushed it towards harry. "It was our mums, i asked Remus about it" i added as harry examined the page.. "It cant be our mum. She died almost 12 years ago in a few days" he exclaimed as he looked at me a bit weird. "Thats what i found a bit interesting and confusing at the same time i think it may be our mums" i said as harry shook his head. "Your starting to sound like lockheart" explained Harry as he looked at me as i gave a sigh. "If you don't believe me that's fine.. No one ever believes the Slytherin Potter" i said as i closed the book as i shook my head as i gave a sigh. "Well, after all they all like me" said harry as i kicked his knee. "ow, what was that for " said harry as he rubbed his knee. "For being a smart Ass" i said as he gave me mad look. "i thought mione was going to do it befor you, but i was wrong" said harry as he looked at me. "First for everything aren't I" i said with a chuckle as harry throw somthing at me as he as a bit aggravated. "The famous Harry potter a bit mad" i said with a chuckle as he rolled his eyes. "Shut up Eileen" said harry as he crossed his arms with a pout. "Sorry i cant.. Not possible" i said with a grin as harry rolled his eyes.
Hey guys i hope you liked this short  chapter, an just remember this chapter will very important to the story.. Until next chapter have a magical day. Remember to vote for the chapter if you liked it and follow if you haven't yet!!!

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