29: werewolfs?

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As winter break came to a close me, aria and Fergus sat in the great hall eating breakfast talking about why Remus wasn't there in the third  day back to hogwarts  after winter break. "He was fine for the last few of Christmas break then boom, he got sick" exclaimed aria as she slammed her hands on the table. "wait how do you guys know how his sick" asked fergus as i took a sip of my pumpkin juice as aria answered. "Um he is my uncle husband  and her godfather" said aria as i put down my cup. " i just wonder who is taking over his class until he gets back" i asked as Fergus shrugged in response. "lets go find out" exclaimed Fergus  as he put his stuff into his bag As aria cleared her throat. "We also share this class with the gryffindor" said aria as i gave a sigh.. "First day back for classes an i have it with my brother" i said as i stood up and looked at the two of them. "I bet you this class will be super boring" said aria as i took a pice of toast. "Let's get going i dont wanna lose any points" said fergus as he put his bag over his shoulder.. "He dose have a point" i said before i took a bite of the toast.

As me and aria sat in the defense against the dark arts class ad the light from the tower let in the January light as fergus was stuck in charms since he was a 4th year. "Why do we even come to this class" complained aria as we only been sitting down for 4 minutes. "Aria.. We have to be here and we only been in this class room for 4 minutes" i answered as i saw my brother sit next to ron on the other side as draco made a paper air plane and throw it at harrys head as i noticed draco had a splint on his arm. "what happened to draco" i asked aria as she got a quick glance at draco's arm. "the word that was going around the comman room is that Hagrid bird almost killed him" said aria shortly before the dark arts class room doors busted open. "Mr. Lupin wount be here for a few days" exclaimed my dad as we walked into the classroom as the doors closed behind him along with the blinds to the windows. "Look, eileen its your dad" said aria softly as I gave a soft sigh as my dad tapped the projector with his wand. "You dont say" i exclaimed as a photo of a werewolf came on to the screen. "Ill be taking his place until he's feeling well again..  Now turn to page 394" said my dad as he went to happy to mean with a change of a sentence.. I quickly flipped throw my text book until i got on to the chapter about werewolfs.. "Werewolfs.. We aren't supposed to be on this chapter until next week" exclaimed Hermione as my dad made Weasleys book go to the page. "Miss.Granger.. As i recall i will be the one teaching today" said my dad with a snarled as i read on the chapter as my dad taught on.

Werewolf's are like me and you normal wizard and witches (including Muggles) but once a full moon rolls around the begin to fell sick for the upcoming days until the full moon happens. When the pain full transformation is completed on the full moon they will lose memory of there loved one and the want to hunt humans but once the full moon ends the will have no memories of what happened during the werewolf state an they will come out of there werewolf form with scares.

As i looked up from the text book aria was doodling  on a pice of parchment as my dad was taking away points from gryffindor. "Hey aria" i whispered as she dunked her quil  back into the ink. "Ya" she said before she went back to continued her little doodle.  "Dose this sound like some one we know" i asked as i put my finger on the paragraph that i wad just reading. Aria began to read what j had just read an looked at me with a bit of confusion. "That sounds a bit like Remus, but his scares  are caused by him being a clumsy person" said aria as she went back to her parchment.. I shouldn't jump to conclusions but i think my godfather remus might be a werewolf..
I would like to say happy birthday to Alan rickman, i cant believe he's been gone for 2 years! If you guys recalled Eileen and Harrys Vault number is 394!  But how do you guys think Eileen putting the clues together to  figure out Remus  being a werewolf could change they way she looks up to him? But ill see you guys in the next chapter! Remember to vote and follow!

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