34: A what!

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As the events of a few nights  we oblivious to the other students expect for fergus. As me and aria walked up to the dark arts class room to check up on remus after the event of that night and Remus not knowing that he had almost killed me before me and aria saved me.. "I hope hes ok" I told aria as she put her hand on the door. "Me too, but this was a first for the both of us" said aria as she opened the door as i noticed the grindlow that remus had under the stair case was gone. "Remus" I yelled as aria closed the door as i noticed his office door was wide open. "Uncle remus" Yelled aria as the door was shut as i began to walk towrds the stairs that lead to the office and aria began to follow behind me. As the both of us came upstairs remus was packing away the objects in his office as he hummed a soft tune. "Remus.. did you get fired" I asked as remus took the photo of me and aria off of his desk and put it onto the top of his clothing. "Please say you didnt.. if you did ill have some worlds With Dumbledore" Exclaimed aria as she crossed her arms. "I did not git fired, i resigned.. the parents of the student would want a werewolf teaching there children" Said remus as he tapped his suitcase with his wand as all of the objects began to fly into the case and as the last objects went the case closed up. "Befor i go Eileen there is something i need to give you" said remus as an empty parchment laid on his now empty desk. He put his wand towards the empty parchment. "I Solemnly swear im up to no good" said Remus as the ink came back on to the map. He put his wand on the desk as he picked up the parchment as he gave it one last glace over. "I think you'll have more use for then the i do now.. From the hands of Mooney his self passes down the map down to the next generation of the Marauders" Said remus as he held out the parchment as i looked at him with happiness and confusion at the same time . "Are you sure remus, this is your creation" I asked as i took the map from his hands. "As i said you have more use for it then i do, Eileen" said remus as he picked up his wand and put it onto the parchment. "Mischief managed" he said as he turned away as the ink began to fade away once more. "I think you guys may have something waiting in the grate hall for you" said remus as he put his trunk onto his desk As he looked out the window as we began to walk out of the door Remus said one more thing. "dont do anything barbaric you two" he said as we both gave a chuckle  as we were on our way to the grate hall.
As me and aria began to walk towards the grate hall some ones hands grabbed my hand and pulled me into a clear corridor. "What was that for" i said as i drew the wand as i noticed that it was percy as he adjusted his glasses. "I've been wanting to speak with you eileen but i couldn't find you" exclaimed percy as i put my wand back in my front pocket. "Well im here now Percy, what did you have to say about the ministry" i asked as Percy cleared his throat. "They hiring  me Eileen, but i dont trust them" said Percy a he looked at me with worried look as i was like a little sister to him. "Come on percy what is there to worry about.. Its a start of something  new" i said as percy nodded his head in response as he looked at me. "I still have that feeling eileen, but i would stay outa trouble eileen" said Percy as he put one of his hands on my shoulder. "I promise percy" i said with a smile as he gave me a nod. "Go catch up with black, she may be wondering were you are at" said  Percy as he took his hand off of my shoulder an i was on my way. As i walked into the grate hall harry jumped infront of me. "Eileen how did you get it" said harry as he looked at me. "How did i get what" i questioned as i looked over at the slytherin table as i saw aria and Fergus looking in aw over something as very one crowd it. Me and harry walked towards the slytherin table i saw that i was a new broom.... The fire bolt. "wow" i said as i looked at it as on the handle it was just like my one that god broken by the wommping willow with my name engraved on it with my quidditch number number 7 on it. "Who is it from" i asked as as aria lifted a piece of paper with a paw print and a finger print in the shape of the moon. "From moony and padfoot" said aria as she gave a grin as i picked it up in aw. "What are we waiting for lets go try it out" said Fergus as i began to run out of the grate hall an every one followed as they were excited to see it go. As we got out side and i mounted my broom an i was off as i was glad to be back in the air on a broom.. But the one problem i have is me not having a wand..
Wow guys the end of book 3! Are you guys ready for the next chapter in the eileen potter saga! See you guys in book 5! Guys remember to vote if you guys like the last chapter of book 3 and follow if you like what you guys liked what you read!

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