chapter 8: Soon and Darkness

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As me and aria Ran throw the platform as Sirius quickly Ran behind us. As we reached the other side of the barrier we were meet with the red steam engine that we rode countless times before. "I cant believe you let us sleep in late Sirius" I said as me and aria ran fast as we pushed our trolleys. "Well I'm sorry" said Sirius as both of our trunks had dispersed on to the train. "your lucky she doesn't tell her father or Remus.. uncle Sirius" said arias as she clamed up on to the train as Sirius eyes widened. "You better not tell Remus" said Sirius as he game a stern looked to Aria as she gave a evil look at Sirius as I knew she was up to no good.. "I may slip" she said before she walked away from the door so i could get onto the train.

"Eileen keep an eye on her" said Sirius as the train began to move. "No promises" I said right befor the train door slid closed. As I turned around there stood aria looking into a compartment of the train. "Watcha looking at aria" I said as I walked up behind her as i saw a man with a patched up jacket over his head. "Uncle Remus is here" She said as she tapped on the glass window softly to make sure he doesn't wake. "lets go sit in there since it seems like the others are all filled up" I said as aria shrugged. "it wouldn't hurt if we sat with him" said aria as she opened the compartment door and we both sat across from Remus who snored like a pig. "merlin he is knocked out" I said as I looked at him as aria sat back. "He must of had a hard night to be honest" Said aria as she put her arms behind her head as she rested her self.. "I swear if I didn't care for Sirius i would of jinxed him" I said as I flicked my wand and the compartment door slid shut.. "i would to.. but my uncle has always been late to stuff since I could remember" she said as she moved one hand to dig throw her pocket as she pulled out a sandwitch that Sirius had made, as I put my wand in my pocket.

"That's interesting, growing up me and harry have always been on time" I said as aria took a bite of her sandwich, As she talked with her mouth full. "After all you were raised by muggles until your 11th birthday" she said as she sounded muffled by the bread. "I've read a book that that my dad owns an It said a wizard is never late, the a precisely on time" said as as my God father moved bit as he slept.

"You know he proud of you" said aria as she sat her half eaten sandwich on her lap as I looked out the window. "I know he is" I said as I put my hand on the Window as I watched the trees as the train passed. "I over heard Remus and Sirius talking.. Dumbledore was going to separate you two.. He was going to give you to Remus and Harry to your muggle aunt and uncle. And when time was right, after your 11th birthday an you went to Hogwarts. Dumbledore was going to introduce you and Harry an never tell you two that you were twins.. Remus wanted you two to stay together.. But your life would of been totally different if Remus would of raised you" said Aria as the train jerked a bit as it came to a stop.

"we can't be at hogwarts yet" I said as I took my hand off of the window as Aria stood up and walked to the sliding door and peeked her head out of the compartment. "You see anything" I said as the lights went out and I slowly went cold as the glass of water by Remus slowly started to freeze over. "No, but it just got really cold" said Aria as she shut the compartment door and sat next to me. "What's going on" I said as I rubbed my arm as I started to see my breath. "I don't know, but I know September isn't this cold" said aria as she gave out a yawn. "Do you think...your dad may come to Hogwarts" I said as Aria nodded in agreement as she let out a sigh.

"Possibly, but I know I'll be safe at hogwarts" she said as I saw an old wrinkly decaying hand in pulled the Compartment door slowly opened. "Aria, look" I said as I pointed at a back hooded figure as the compartment door opened full. "What in Merlin's is that" said aria as I tried to grab my wand out of my pocket, but instead of me grabbing it it rolled on to the floor. Soon the back figure was close to Aira.. Before I knew it felt like the life was being sucked out of me, along with happiness and before everything went black I heard Remus as aria screamed my name. "Expecto-putrumum" Is the last thing I heard as every thing went black. There I stood in a black room and on the other side there stood a young Tom Riddle, crossing his arms like he wanted something but all I could think of was Ron's sister Ginny laying on the floor unconscious from last year..

"Soon young Snape.. You never deceived me like your brother, when you were just a baby or your 12 year old self when I meet you once more.. I know who your father is and who you really are.. Just remember soon" said Tom riddle as his eyes pierced my soul like a dagger. A few seconds latter I heard a woman yelling my name. "Run my little Eileen run.. Run like the wind" yelled the woman as I felt some one shaking me.

As I opened my eyes there sat Aria across from me and I sat up Remus was sitting next to me with my wand and a bar of chocolate. "What was that" I asked as I pushed my bang out of my face as I sat up. "It was a dementor, looking for Arias father" said Remus as he handed me my wand and a bar of chocolate. "I heard a woman yelling" I said as I took my wand and the chocolate from Remus
"well that might of been Aria" said Remus as he chuckled. "Hey" said aria as she crossed her arms. "eat that chocolate, an I recommend you having a lot of chocolate pudding at dinner tonight" said Remus as he stood up and walked towards the compartment door. "An aria, I'll tell you about your dad later.. But I must be off and talk to the conductor" said Remus as he opened the door and walked away.

I put the chocolate bar in my pocket.. As I thought right now wasn't the right moment.. "Remus recommends chocolate to everyone" said aria with a chuckle as I grinned.. " I can tell" I said with a smile as I tried to figure was I saw when everything was black.

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