Chapter 2: Harry's Trip and the Problem

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As me and Aria walked into the kitchen we were meet with the nice smell of cookies. "Who knew Sirius could bake" I said as we walked over to the cookies and picked up one, as I took a bite of the cookie I saw the daily profit folded up in front of us.

"that's weird Sirius hasn't even touched the paper" said aria as she grabbed it as I was eat my cookie to slowly for her.  As she understood folded the paper she tapped me on the shoulder.

"Eileen" she said as I swallowed my cookie. "Ya" I said as I went for another.. "save some cookies for me and Sirius" she said as she swatted my hands away from the cookie bowl. "No,  but really look were your brother is" she added as she handed me the daily profit.

As I looked at the title of the article..

Harry Potter spotted in Egypt, but were is his Sister Eileen Potter?

"Harry went to Egypt" I said as Aria's head nodded.. "Looks like that, speeking of Harry we're is uncle Remus" said aria as she looked at me as I continue to read it..

The famous Harry Potter was spotted in Egypt with the Weasley family after they won the lottery but Were is his Famous twin sister Eileen Potter, it seems like she dispersed.. Since her appearance with Gildory lockhart last year

"I haven't dispersed" I said as I looked at the photo as all the Weasley's with Harry and I noticed there was a blank spot and the daily profit never has a blank space. "Well at least you have time without camera's flashing in your face" said aria as she looked at Me as the fire place in the erupted.

We both turned our heads and it was Remus it looked like he was in a rush.
"Hello girls" said Remus as he looked at me and aria. "Hello Remus" we both said as we turned our bodies to look at him.

"Aria, were is Your uncle" said Remus as he looked at Aria in a bit of panic. "umm, I think he might be in my dads room uncle Remus" said aria as Remus nodded. "Thanks aria, I have a surprise for you Eileen when I get back" said Remus as he walked off. 

"That was weird" I said as I looked at Aria as she shook her head. "He isn't  usually that bad when he has to talk to uncle Sirius" said aria as she continued to shook her head.

Remus lupin POV
As I walked towards Regulus bedroom  I see a black figure sitting on the floor. "Sirius" I said as I saw a head pop up as I took out my wand out of my front pocket and the tip of my wand lit up.. An it was Sirius he was holding his knees.

I sat next to Sirius as he looked at me. "Sirius, Regulus got out" I said as I looked back at him. "I saw in the daily profit" said Sirius as he stretched out his legs. "The girls, they were looking at the paper.. Did they see it" I said as Sirius shook his head no.

"I charmed the paper so it would  make the spot were the article about him blank" said Sirius as he rubbed the back of his kneck as I let out a small chuckle.. "Then why is Eileen reading the daily profit then" I said as Sirius let out a sigh an a bit of a chuckle.

"Your not going to believe this but My cousin and her husband took all of there children to Egypt including Harry" said Sirius as he shook his head as I let out a sigh. "But what are you going to do when Aria find's out her father isn't really dead but just escaped Azkaban.. I mean how did he escape any way" I asked as Sirius shrugged and took a moment to answer.

"I'll tell her when I'm ready or she finds out.. And how he escaped I don't know, but if I was him. I would escape with my animagus form" said Sirius as my eyes widened.  "Do you think he may have learned how to become an animagus" I said as Sirius looked at me like I was crazy.

"Regulus doesn't have the patience for that" said Sirius as he looked at me. "You didn't either.. I'm taking the girls to London for the week for Eileen's birthday and to celebrate me getting​ a job" I said as Sirius smiled. "May I come along" said Sirius as he tried to sound like a fancy muggle after we watched a muggle move last night.

"Sure you can" I said right before I kissed him on the cheek. "Let's getting going then" I said as I got up and Sirius got up as well​. "While we're in London can we stop by the robe shop to get you some nice robes" said Sirius with a chuckle.. "possibly, but I fell Comfortable in my cardigans" I said I straightened my cardigan. "well you haven't changed since we left Hogwarts and now we're 35" said Sirius as we walked down the hallway way.  "just for you Then" I said as we were off to catch up with the girls.

That's right guys wolfstar is happening!!! I'm pretty excited how much twist and turns this book will have.. Like how long Sirius can keep Aira think that her father isn't really dead but just escaped Azkaban.. But guys voting end next chapter so get you vote in and it looks like Eivilles might happen.. You guys make a ship name for Eileen and Neville if you would like..
The results are:
Get your votes in befor next chapter is released!! But that will be that for now until then remember to follow if you haven't yet and vote if you liked the chapter.

Ps: I was wondering if I should try to write Hermione and Remus fanfic and if you guys would enjoy it.. Comment  try it with your vote if you want me to try it out!!!

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