30: The grim

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"I can not believe your still on about Remus being a werewolf" exclaimed  aria as I've been gathering information to debunk the fact that remus is a werewolf from other books for the past 2 weeks since my dad gave us the lesson on werewolf's. "Im trying to prove that im wrong aria.. There is nothing wrong with that" i exclaimed as we walked up the long winding stair case that lead up to Ancient runes. "There's nothing wrong with that Eileen, your just being your self" exclaimed aria as we both walked into the Ancient Ruins class as we saw fergus with his feet on top of the table.. "don't be rude, take your feet off of the table" said aria as she pushed his feet off of the table as he looked at aria like she was crazy. "What was that for" exclaimed Fergus as he scooted forward as we both sat down at the table. "We need a place to work on" i exclaimed as i took the bag of ruins out of my bag. "when do we ever work in this class" exclaimed Fergus as he crossed his arms. "Since Snape if taking over dark arts for a few days" i exclaimed as i dumped out the ruin stones out of the bag. "that's weird for snape to take over the dark arts class " said Fergus as he looked at the both of us. "i know, who knew he was that type of person for the dark arts" exclaimed aria as i flipped the rune stones onto there back. "he has been after the dark arts spot since i could remember" said Fergus as the curtains that lead into Babbling study as she looked at us with a smile as he brown eyes looked at us. "Today i will becoming around to each one of your tables to give you a reading in runes" said Babbling as she looked at the three of us as we chatted on. "so you heard Hagrid's bird thing is going to get killed next month on a full moon" said Fergus as he looked at us as me and aria gave a look to eachother as Babbling  came walking towards us. "Hello darlings, who am i going to read first" she asked as she looked at the three of us as aria and Fergus pointed  at me. "Great guys, thanks" i said as aria gave me a grin. "its not going to be that bad Miss.Potter" said
Babbling  as she began to flip over three random runes. The first run was a dog, the second was a moon and last was a tree. Babbling  looked up at me in a worrying look. "My dear, you got the grim" she said as she looked at me as many people began to look through  there books.. "The grim" said a boy who wore ravenclaw robes as he read on from his book. "is an omen of death, which is reputed to bring about the demise of the person who encounters it" added the boy as my eyes widened As she looked into my eyes as i wasn't all there.. "you are in grave danger my girl, i can sense darkness with in you" said babbling as she continued to study me liked i was a creature in a zoo. "Im not in danger an i don't have darkness in me" i said as i pushed the rune stones onto the  ground as the all hit one at a time as Aria flinched with the sound of them hitting the floor, I quickly put my bag over my shoulder an got out of that classroom as fast as i could.. "This class is ridiculous" i mumbled under my breath as the door shut to the class room behind me.

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