chapter 12: Unforgivable

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I slowly gave a yawn as I sat in the library as I tried to forget what I fear the most... The dark lord killing the ones I love, As I flipped throw pages of an old book as I did more research on the boggarts. "my father wasn't  with them" I said as I continued to flipped the pages as I came across a page titled  The one that's gone.

Before I could even start to read the page I head a voice. "madam prince, have you seen Eileen Potter" asked the person as I hid behind a book shelf and I did something that very much hurt me  and the book..  I ripped the page out and folded it and shoved it in my cloak pocket as I slid the book under a table, hoping no one with find it.  "Young lupin.. Up to trouble again for another potter" said madam prince as I heard her set a book aside as Remus let out a sigh. "No I'm not up to trouble, but have you seen her" said Remus as I heard madam prince voice as I imagined her pointing in my direction. "She went that way..  She seemed a bit more sad then usual. Acts just like her poor mother. Bless her soul" said madam prince shook her head as I heard Remus foot steps come towards me.  As I looked at my feet were I could see the bridge of the book the was neatly hidden under a wooden shelf.  As I turned my head I was meet with a pair of patched up pants and a black cloak  that went down to his feet. "Eileen" said Remus as he squated down to look at me.  "What made you run out" asked Remus as I slowly tapped my fingers on my leg.  "People may think I weird, my boggart turning in to a professor, my brother and best friend being killed by Voldemort... What would of been worst was if my dad was there. But Remus that's the question why wasn't he there" I asked as he looked at me with a gulp as I could tell he was nervous. "Come with me, we can discuss it over tea" said Remus as he stood up and I stood up with him.


As me and Remus sat in his office as picture of me and aria over the summer played around on his desk. I slowly tapped the glass that held my tea as I watched the steam come off of my tea. "Remus do you know why my dad wants down there with you guys" I asked as I looked up at my godfather as he sat down his tea and cleared his throat. "Apparently your greatest fear Doesn't involve your father, since you know your father is strong or he done something unforgivable.. Which I don't see him doing" said Remus as I picked up my tea and took a drink.  "Why do you think he did something unforgivable.. I mean he's, well different then other peoples parents" I said as I looked at as he twiddled his thumbs as he was speechless.

"Well your dad has always been different. He never really wanted to go home during our time at hogwarts. But he never told us why. But we all done unforgivable things. Like me and sirius, well mostly me..  But what I almost did is unspeakable" said Remus as he lifted up his tea cups as I tapped the rim of my tea cup.  "But Remus, what have you done that's unforgivable" I asked as my Godfather was trying to choose his words more wisely. He stood up and walked to a book shelf that held 6 photos.  He grabbed the one with two brothers and sat back down and laid the photo flat.

"I have lied to his daughter for many years to keep her safe with Sirius..but I haven't done my best" he said as he pointed at the shortest boy on Sirius left. He had long black curly hair that went down to his shoulders... Aria's father Regulus. "Remus, you know that Aria is mad at you guys..  She knows that her dad escaped" I said as Remus froze where he was as his head slowly looked up at me.  "Eileen.. What ever you do just don't get your self or Aria killed" said Remus as he stood up and walked towards the window. "But Remus you know trouble finds us both.. We can't help it" I said as I stood up with my tea cup still in my hand. "You'll find a way to stay safe.. You have done it before" said my godfather as a raven flew past the window. "I know I'll find away" I said as I sat down my tea cup as Remus turned around. "Eileen during Christmas break came up here I want to teach you something" said Remus as he pushed his hand through his hair.  "Remus.. Is it going to help me" I asked as my godfather nodded in response.  "Correct, it will help you just in case if you come across a dementor" said my God father as he took his wand and flicked it. The room started to clean it's self as the tea cup as slowly floated away.  "but you should be on your way..  Don't wanna keep you out late,  then I'll be listening to him bicker" said Remus with a smile as I nodded. "Thanks for the talk Remus" I said as I walked towards the door. "Eileen" said Remus before I had opened. "Yes Remus" I saw d as I turned around. "Good luck tomorrow with qidditch practice.. You'll need it " said Remus as I started to wonder why he was wishing me good luck so I just shrugged it off. "Thanks Remus" I said as I opened the door and was on my way back to the Slytherin common room.

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