chapter 13: Aria!

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As I straighted up my Quidditch uniform as I thought of what Remus had told me.. Don't get our self killed. "Hey Potter, we're ready" said Draco as he leaned against the door frame. "Draco I have a name you know" I said as I stood up and grabbed my nimbus 2001. "I know you have,l a name, but I just like to say Potter" said Draco as I pushed him out of the way. "Then you can call my brother potter.. I know that you hate him" I said as I walked off. "Every one hates your brother" yelled Draco as I stopped at the door that lead to the Quidditch filled. "I know.. All of Slytherin hate him" I said as I started to walk on to the field as there was a crowd of people around Flint. "Hey Flint there's our star player" said Vaisey as he pointed at me at everyone split as Flint smiled. "Potter, as you know. This year will be my last year so you will be my Co-captain so I can train you for next year" said Flint as I walked towards him as I smiled as everyone clapped. "Thanks flint" I said with a smirk as Draco rolled his eyes. "An there is one more thing, Potter" said Flint as I stood by Fergus as I let out a soft yawn. "What is it Flint" I asked as I fix my pony tail. "There a new person, taking over the other chaser passion since Graves left.. An you happen to know this Person" he said as me a Fergus looked at eachother. "ah come on Marcus, she bad at guessing" said a voice that sounded like Aria.

"Aria" I said as she jumped from behind Flint as I saw her silver eyes pop from behind Flint. "Hi Eileen" said aria as she walked from behind aria in Slytherin Quidditch robes. "Aria, you said before that you weren't going to get into Quidditch" I said as aria shrugged in response.. "I Know, but its been boring the last 2 years" Said aria as she gave a sigh. "So when I decided to join, Uncle Sirius went out and bought me this broom... it looks like you guys already have it" she added as she held up a nimbus 2001, as hers was brand new compared to mine.. as mine had scratches and part of the one chipped of from last years incident. "Draco's father bought the brooms for us last year" said Flint as aria let outa sigh. Last year I started to noticed that Aria began to fall for Draco after I kept spending time in the library, to try to hide from Lockhart. "we an off standing around, get going.. Aria your with me and Crouch go with Eileen" Said flint as every one scattered like bugs when lights are shined on them.

As me and Fergus were in the air as the wind started to get cold for the last week of September. "Eileen, I've been thinking since Arias father escaped.. do you think my father may escape to" said Fergus as he floated in front of me as i could tell he was afraid of his father will escape next. "I don't know honestly Fergus" I said as I throw a golf ball at him as he strafed to his left and caught it. "I just hope he doesn't Eileen.. I mean look at Aria. She seems deferent this year since her dad escape Azkaban" Said Fergus as he throw the golf ball back at me as I caught it as I looked down at aria who was on there ground playing catch with Flint on the ground. "It seemed like it.. the hole summer she was normal and after she found out that her dads alive an that he escaped Azkaban she may be nervous and afraid" I said in response as I throw the golf ball back at him. "How can she be nervous, She has you Eileen, the smartest witch of your age and defeated the dark lord at the age of one.. you'll protect her no matter what" said Fergus as he throw the ball back at me. "I hope I can protect her to" I said as I gave a sigh as I really did hope I can help aria, after all she is like a sister that I never had...



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