24: Dinner with Malfoys

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As my dad unlocked the house on spinners end as harry tapped his fingers on his trunk as he was not happy to come back here, he forced because of his last minute mischief before christmas break. "Can we hurry up, its very cold out here" said Harry as he crossed his arms as our dad opened the house door as the smell of fresh parchment and potions filled the outside. "Home sweet home" i exclaimed as our dad finally throw the door open with magic after trying to use the keys which failed. As we walked in the door quickly shut behind us as the house quickly changed from a dark setting to a more cheery mood then it was before i left to grimwald place last summer. "Now, you two go and get ready.. The Malfoys are coming over" said my dad as harry stopped midway on the stairs. "No, why are they coming over.. They are blood purest" exclaimed harry as he looked over the stair railing as our trunks despaired into our rooms. "Because they are a family friend" exclaimed our dad as he throw the house keys in to a basket.. "Stupid keys" he mumbled under his breath. "Possibly to you, but  not to me.. My best friend is a muggle born. Not like eileen, all of here friends are pure bloods" exclaimed Harry as he walked back down the stairs. "Hey!" i exclaimed as i crossed my arms. "we are best friends.. That's all that matters" i said softly as Harry rolled his eyes as my dad let a sigh. "Harry Severus Snape.. It the way they were raised, go and get ready now" said my dad a bit aggravated as harry stormed up the stairs.. I walked towards my room which is right next to my dads study. "Eileen" said my dad as i put my hand on the cold door handle.  "Yes" i said as i turned my head as my black eyes looked at his black eyes. "Dont do anything stupid... This year" said my dad as a gave him a small smile. "i cant promise that.. But ill try dad" i said as i turned around  and opened my bedroom door as the smell of chocolate filled the air. My room had a couple of the Bulgarian quidditch team poster and flags as it was a small quidditch game going on my walls an on my dresser was two un-open chocolate boxes from Remus an the book dumbledore gave me two years ago.

     As we all sat at the dining room table as every one sat silently as draco and harry were having a stair off as i poked my peas with my fork,  Narcissa looked worried as she watch my dad an lucius were talking softly. "So Eileen dear, how is your year so far" asked Narcissa as i sat down my fork down. "Its going well actually.. After the dementor attack on the quidditch game i have had more time to study" i said as narcissa nodded her head as i gave a sigh, i have been actually board since quidditch got  cancelled. "Thats good that you have hide some time to study" she responded as harry and draco had an off of there little stair off, Draco quickly stood up an so did harry. "Im sorry father mother and professor. I can not stand staring at potter no longer" said draco with a pout on his face and harry crossed his arms In protest. "im sorry, but i cant stand you either malfoy" said Harry as he adjusted his glasses in a proper manner. "harry just sit the bloody hell down, your embarrassing me" i explained as harry looked at me as i was more crazy then my dad inviting the Malfoy's over for dinner. "No eileen im not going to sit.. Are you actually allowing malfoy to be here, siting here in our home" exlcaimed harry as that made draco have a pissed look on his face. "What do you mean your home.. You choose to run with the weasley's an never come home" i explained  as he looked at me as i just disgraced his name some how as my dad stood up along with lucius. "That's a enough you three" boomed my dad as everything went silent as our heads turned to look at my dad as Narcissa looked down at the plate an didn't want to get involved. "Draco this is un-acceptable.. We are going home.. Lets go Narcissa" said Lucius as narcissa stood up an she looked at my dad. "Thank you very much Severus for the dinner..Lets go draco" said Narcissa as she walked towards the door. "Anytime narcissa" said our dad as he watch the malfoys walked out the door an disappeared with a pop An the door closed slowly.. "You two, go to your rooms" said my dad as harry protested In defence. "Come on, malfoys father kicked a house elf and draco called Hermione a mudblood" said Harry as my dad eyes widen an o slowly walked back wards. "That word is not allowed  in this house" yelled my dad as harry took a deep breath. "Ron is right, you are a slimy git" said Harry right before he stormed up the stairs and slammed the bedroom door. As i stood near the stair case as my dad thought i left, he slowly sat down at the table an let out a sigh. "dear Merlin please help me with harry" he said as i slowly walked towards my bedroom as my dad say something else. "Eileen, don't curse your brother in to next week" he said softly as i looked a bit confused as i didn't say anything.. But i just thought of it but i just shrugged it off an walked into my bedroom.

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