chapter 9: Late night reinsurance

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As we all gathered in the Great Hall for the beginning of term. As Me and Aria sat next to Fergus. Fergus is now in his forth year and has been working with his grandfather over the summer. As I tapped my fingers on the table as I saw my dad and Remus chatting, As aria looked at me as she shook her head. "Your Nervous Aren't you" Asked Aria as I turned back as Fergus gave a little sigh. "I'm not Nervous, I'm just sacred" i said as I rubbed my eyes I kept seeing the face of tom Riddle when ever I thought. "I'm Scared to.. I had to go visit my father an he told me something" Said Fergus as he let out a yawn. "What did you dad say" Said Aria as she is a bit inpatient an has always been from what I have noticed from the last 3 years. "My dad told be to be prepared, The dark lord will rise once more. an once that happens he will recruit his death Easters children.. some way or some how" said furgus as he leaned forwarded an whispered as aria she pushed back her black hair. "Bloody hell.." said aria as she shook her head As I looked at Fergus.

"What did your grandfather do, after he heard that" I asked as I let out a yawn as after what happened earlier made me tired and think. More the i usually have. "He left me, as he had to deal with arias father.. Who escaped and now we have dementors around the Hogwarts" said Fergus as aria gave him a mad look. "Why dose she looked so pissed, she must be proud that her dad is the first ever person to escaped Azkaban" he said as I let out another yawn. "She thought he was dead.. Until last month" I said as I moved my long bangs.

"Bloody hell, I would be pissed to.. But Eileen, why are you yawning so badly" asked Fergus as I blinked as I tapped my fingers a bit on the table. "A Dementor, Got on the train and drained my happiness" I said in between a yawn.. "man, my grandfather say those beast can kill you.. Glad your ok" said Fergus in his Irish accent he said as he pick up his goblet. "So am I. I just think my Godfather told professor snape about what happened on the train" I said with a blink of my eyes. "who's your Godfather" asked Fergus as he sat down his goblet. "Her Godfathers is the new dark arts professor" said Aria as she took a spoon and dipped it in the chocolate pudding.

"Is snape looking towards us" I asked as I watch aria inhale the pudding like it was nothing. "Ya he's looking straight at up so is the new professor... I think he's shaking his head at aria" said Fergus as aria turned her head to look Remus as she still had the spoon in her mouth as she took out of her mouth she stuck her tongue out at Remus.


As I walked down the long cold hallways of the dungeons as I stayed behind as aria at Fergus went to bed early, As I had my hands in my pocket I heard a voice and light ilumnated around me. "Eileen, I need to talk to you" said a person from behind me. As I turned around there stood my dad infront of his office with his lights from his office illuminated the hallway.

As I walked into his office and sat down in front of his desk as he walked by with his cape smoothly in the air like it always has. As he sat down infront of me, his Onix eyes pierced my soul a bit but this time it was deferent. "Eileen, Remus told me what happened are you ok" asked​ my dad as I let out a sniffle. "I'm ok but something happened when I was knocked out" I said as I looked at my dad and I let out another sniffle.

"what happened Eileen, I can help you out no matter what" said my dad as he blinked. "This may sound weird, but I was standing in a dark room and on the other side there stood Tom Riddle, he told me Soon young snape, and he knows who my real dad an I haven't deceived him like Harry.. Then I heard a woman scream telling me to run like the wind" I said as I saw my dads eyes widen.

"Nothings going to happen, Eileen it was a bad dream"Said my dad as he looked at me. "Drink your self some hot tea, before you go to bed tonight" he added as I let out a yawn and nodded. As I started to think what my dad said was true and I shrugged it off as a bad dream..

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