Chapter 28: the mysterious Gift

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"Let me get this straight Eileen.. You got an owl from dad saying he will see us back at Hogwarts and go to Remus and Sirius" said harry as i put everything in needed in a backpack. "Correct.. He said something about it being hogwarts business" i said as i put the tiny box into my jacket pocket that was once wrapped in the old daily profet papers. "How cam he tells you bloody everything" asked harry as we both walked towards the fire place. "i don't know, probably im his favorite" i said with a remark as he rolled his eyes As i grabbed the flew powder bowl. "Of course  your his favorite" said harry has he took a hand full of the flew powder as he walked into the fire place and clears his throat. "Grimwald place" said harry as he threw the flew powder at his feet as he was in golfed in green flame and was gone as fast a the green was there. I sat the bowl on to the mantle and grabbed a hand full, then walked into the fire place and joined Harry at grimwald place.
As i fell throw the fire place at grimwald place the dust from the fire place followed me onto the hard wood floor, i heard Remus sigh come from above me. "Really i just cleaned this" he said with a chuckle as he helped me up from the ground as i noticed he had a new scratch across his nose. "Im sorry Remus, but may i ask what happened to your nose" i asked ad i dusted off my pants Then pointed at my nose. "Oh that's nothing.." said remus as he gave a small pause. "My clumsy self hit my nose in the closet" he explained as i patted my pocket as i felt the small box. "Remus may we talk in private" i asked as i sat my bag on the sofa as he nodded his head in response. "Of course we can" he responded as we both walked into the study and had a seat. "What do you want to talk about Eileen" asked remus as he crossed his legs as i took the box that was still rapped in the daily profet. "What dates dose the paper have on it" asked remus as i began to unwrap the small box an read off the date. "October 31, 1981.. September 12, 1979.. October 28,1980" i responded as i sat the papers next to me. "Remus what do thoughts dates mean" i asked as the box sat in my lap. "The first date is when you lost your mum, the second date is important to me and Sirius and the last is Arias birthday" responded remus as he looked at me then in the box. "What do you think is in the box" asked Remus as i opened the box and carefully took out the necklace.. "I think it may be a Time Turner" i said as remus held out his hand to hold an i slowly sat it into his hands very slowly being careful not to turn it. "How did you get this" asked remus as he looked at it very carefully. "I don't know, it was under the tree a couple days ago Remus" i said a he took his wand out and lifted it with a spell. "Very curious.. I think i know who gave it to you" said remus as it began to turn around  as he continued to study it. "Who gave it to me.." i asked as i looked at remus as he gave a sigh and sat it back into the box.. "Arias father... He fancied things like that Eileen, but i wonder who he got it to you" exclaimed remus as i put the lid back onto the box. "Me to remus.. But why dose he want to do anything with me" i asked as Remus looked at me As i tapped my fingers on to the arm chair. "I dont know eileen, i i knew i would tell you but be very careful with that" said remus as he pointed at the damaged box. "Ill be careful with it i promise" i exclaimed as i sat my hand on top of the box.
Wow guys you got me to 131 followers, i never thought people would read my storys.. My goal is to get this book done with in a month but i love all your guys responses on this book, but who is read for book 4?? I am! But reamber if you like the chapter  vote for it an if you haven't followed me yet and you like what you see, follow!! See you guys in the next chapter!

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