33: The Rescue of Regulus

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"Is she alive, fergus" said aria as she poked my shoulder to make sure i was alive. "Of course she is alive, if she wasn't we wouldn't be allowed in here" exclaimed Fergus as aria rolled he eyes and i let out a soft chuckle as j opened one of my eyes. "I am good at playing dead" i said as i sat up as the both laughed but aria stopped laughing. "Eileen, i need your help" said aria as i took the blanket off. "What is it aria" i asked as she sat at the feet of the Infirmary as she looked at me with an worry look. "Its my dad we need to save him, there going to give him the dementors kiss tonight" said aria as i began to stand up and pulled the time turner from under my shirt. "Eileen, how did you get a time Turner" asked Fergus as he looked at the necklace as i gave a bit confused look as i gave a soft sigh. "It was gift that i got from Christmas, it didn't say who it was from" i said as fergus hand me my wand. "Only two people can travel, you and aria go.. But can you promise me something" said Fergus as i took my wand from his hand. "What is it fergus" i said as i put my wand in my front pocket as i noticed how my pants leg was ripped pretty good. "Save hagrids, hippogriff buckbeak for his death" he said in his Scottish accent as you could tell how he felt for the beast. "Sure can do" i said as i put the necklace around me and aria as fergus gave us a smile. "Give the Time Turner 4 turns.. Ill be here when you get back" said Fergus as he sat down on the bed that i once was laying down on as i began to spin the time Turner the things slowly turned back time as people began to walk backwards. As everything began to stop i took the time turner from around arias neck and put it back under my shirt. "What time is it" asked aria as she looked around as the peeking sun came throw the windows. "it 4'o clock.. Were are we at this time" i asked as aria began to recall. "me and fergus had just ran into you after you had stormed off from your dad then" said aria as i began to think. "Lets go save that bird for Fergus" i said as we both began to run down the stairs as the clock tower bell rang as it has officially became 4 o'Clock.
As we walked across the bridge that lead to hagrids hut i heard my brothers voice. "Nice one mione" he said as i heard dracos voice after his. "My father will hear about this" said draco as him and Crabbe an Goyle began to come across the brige as i saw that his face was red as me and aria pretend to look from the side of the bridge. "Potter, your luck i haven't killed your brother yet" said draco as he stormed of as i herd Hermione give out a sigh. "That felt bloody amazing" she said as i could hear harry laughing. "that was very amazing, but Can we move on to hagrids now" asked Ron as the three of them began to move and me and aria followed behind them. "Why are we not trying to be seen from your brother an his friends" Exclaimed aria as we walked a bit behind harry as the three of them laughed. "They think we are running around the castle at the moment" I said as the three of them stopped in front of us as we heard a noise which i am guessing is BeckBeak. "I cant believe today is the day were buckbeack gets killed" Said hermione as she looked at the Hippogriff as i tried to get a gimps of the creature to see how we can save its life from being killed From my God-brothers idiotic Mind set. "Eileen.. is it attached to the wooden post with a chain" Pointed out aria as my brother and his friends moved on to hagrids hut. "It looks like it, lets wait until they go inside the hut" i exclaimed as i watch beckbeak stand up as my brother got close to him as he made a bird noise. "Even Beasts like your brother" Said aria as we started to walk down the hill as my brother, Ron and Hermione when inside hagrids hut. "Every one likes harry, aria" I exclaimed as we came close to buckbeack. "Eileen i think your spouses to bow to him" Said aria as BuckBeak stiffened up as i came closer to him.. "I hope your right Aria" I said right befor i bowed and started to smell dead ferrets right next to my head as buckbeak began to bow back towrds me. A i stood up stright i took off a dead ferret and throw it to buckbeak. As buckBeack ate the ferret i took the chain off of the wooden post and began to walk towards the forest. "Over here is the hut, were hagrid takes care of the Hippogriff and other Beasts" Said Dumbledore as he began to walk towards the hut with an exuchiner and who looked like the minister of magic. "Eileen, the forest" said aria as we began to run into the forest with the Hippogiff behind us. "Were is the Hippogiff" Asked Fudge as he looked around as Dumbledore was on the step of the hut. "It was just here" Added Fudge as Dumbledore knocked on the door and my brother, Hermione and ron came running out of the back as me and aria went deeper into the Forbidden forest as Aria held the dead ferrets far away from herself.


As the night sky slowly began to spper as we got deeper into the forest. "I told you he was a werewolf" I said as we came to a stop at the lake me and Regulus laid on just a few hours ago. "How did you know, i lived with him for my hole life and i didn't even know that he was one" exclaimed aria as she sat on a log of a tree that had fallen over. "All i did was put together were clues and plus a book Remus gave me had a letter from Sirius saying that he knew that he was a werewolf" i said as i took out the small old piece of parchment that i had tucked away in my back pocket and handed to aria. "How come you never told me about the letter" Asked aria as she read throw the letter quick. "Ive tried so may time to tell you but iv never had the gut to tell you" I said as aria folded the parchment back up and handed it back to me.. "My uncle and Remus were a thing" Said aria as it took the parchment and put it back in my back pocket. "The married Aria" i said as aria rolled her eyes. "Of course they are, im not that dumb" said aria as i heared my self take a breath as aria looked around. "Aria Howl" i said as aria cuffed her hands as she howled and wait for Remus to give a response back as he howl back as you can hear his feet crunch the dead leafs as he ran."Your dad he's over here" I said to aria as the both of us walked towards the frozen lake as i saw Regulus lay on the ground pasted out as i looked to the right i saw my self walk towards Regulus as i really seen why every one said i looked like my mum.. "Eileen it getting cold" said aria as he rubbed her arms as we both started to see our breath. "The dementors there here" I said as i looked above us as i saw the dementors went around me and Regulus. "Eileen do something" Said aria as she watch me pass next to her dad as the dementors took all of the happiness away from me. I took my wand from my pocket and held out my wadn as i thought of a happy thought. "Expecto Putronum" I yelled as a light blue horse with wings came out of it and when towards me and Regulus.. "Bloody hell Eileen your Putronus is a thestral" Siad aria as we saw the dementers leave the area a the flash of light lit up the area. "Whats A threstral" i asked as the putronus slowly began to fade away as the dementors flee. "Ill explain later" exclaimed aria as she let out a chuckle.
As the three of us flew on the hippogriff as regulus was taking control of buckbeak as we flew over the Black lake. "Since im finally out i can make up those 13 years of me not being you dad, Aria" said regulus as aria looled at the back of her dad head as he flew. "That sounds great" exclaimed aria as i gave a gulp. "Guys i have a problem" i said as i watched my wand slowly fall down towards the black lake. "What is it" asked Regulus as my wand hit the water with a clunk. "My wand just fell into the lake" i said as i tried to figure away to tell my dad. "Another snape wand in the lake" said regulus with a chuckle as i looked confused. "What do you mean about that" i asked as we landed near the hospital wing. "my brother threw your dads wand into the lake" said regulus as me and aria got off of buckbeak. "thats something" said aria as she let out a chuckle. "I must be off.. Gota hide him but ill see you this summer" said Regulus as he ruffled arias hair befor he took off. "He some dad" said aria with a grin. "ya some dad who you thought was dead" i said as i watched regulus fly off into the moon light.
Wow guys only one more chapter for book 3 i hope you guys are excited for the 4 book! But until then vote if you like the chapter and follow if you like what you see..

Eileen dropping her wand in the black lake isnt just a coincidence or her being clumsy.. Just wait until book 4 to find out😉

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