26: The snitch throw the wall

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As i sat at my desk in my room as the birds chirped from outside as i began to poke the golden snitch that sat soundly on my desk. "You shouldn't do that" said a photo that sat on my desk that looked at the snitch. The photo was a portrait of grandmother Eileen, she had long black hair an the iconic black eye's that i had inherited, from what my dad had told me she had passed way a few months before my first year of Hogwarts. "It not like it going to break the window" i exclaimed as i picked up the snitch and it sat soundly on the palm of my hand. "so you say" said my grandma before she walked of the frame to do her own thing. As started to toss the snitch in the air in boredom right before i could catch it the wings came out and started to betting as fast as a humming birds. "holy Merlin" i said as i fell out of my seat as the snitch quickly flew around my room. "The old lady told you, not To do that" exclaimed the Bulgarian seeker that was on the poster as the snitch became more faster as it began to fly faster.

"Eileen whats going on" yelled my dad throw the door as the snitch came towards me as fast as a bullet. "um everything is swell, im just trying to find my wand cleaning kit" i lied as i stood up as the snitch was above my head, an i quickly jumped for it. "If you say so" said my dad as he walked away from the door as i slowly raised my hand to grab the snitch, but before i could grad it the snitch charged as the speed of light towards the wall, inches from the door. i quickly closed my eyes, but once i opened i saw that the snitch had made a hole into the wall an got its self stuck.. "Just great" i said as i took a deep breath as my bedroom door had open to revile my dad in muggle clothing sporting black tee shirt an a pair of joggers. "what was that" asked my dad as he looked around my room for the damage that may have cause. "Umm, nothing happened" i lied as i was still in aw as i have never seen my dad were muggle clothing since i could reamber.

"Well something happened, you are very bad  at lying" exclaimed my dad as i pointed at the wall with the snitch sticking out of the wall in the hole it made. "That was the noise" i said as i put down my arm as my dad looked at me in confusion. "Eileen Lily Snape, how in Merlin's beard did that happen" asked my dad as he removed the snitch out of the wall and he sat in in the lap of the taddy bear that was once in my crib befor i had left with harry and out mom in hiding, it represented a small niffler. "i was poking it with my finger since i was bored then i decided to throw it an boom that happened" i explained as my dad shook his head as i looked at my foot. "You know better then that" he exclaimed as i shrugged an gave a sigh. "i know" i said in response as my dad turned around to face the wall an pulled his wand out of his back pocket  an fixed the wall. It seemed like nothing, it was like it was brand new.. I love magic!

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