15:The Sighting

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As October 25 rolled around many people have began to talk about about Regulus as the only thing I have noticed is that I haven't seen Remus in a while. As the first game of the season was latter today, which I had a lot on my mind.. Even more then I usually do. "Eileen, your not going to believe this" said Aria as she sat next to me as she pushed  my cereal put of the way. "Hey I was eating that" i said as aria pulled the daily profit out of her robe and unfold it. "i don't care, but this is important" she said as she sat the paper in front of me. "what cam be more important, then us. Eating before​ our  first game" i said.  As i looked as Aria as she tapped the paper that was in font of me. "This is" she exclaimed as i looked down at The paper.

      R. Black Sighted  in Little welling

Regulas Black was slighted near a small little village near hogsmeade.. Keep an look out for him.. He is very dangerous and armed.

"he's going to come here Eileen" said Aria as she took back the daily profit and i slide my cereal back in front of me. "Don't worry Aria, well be safe.. After all. Me and you can take down your dad head to head" i said before​ i took a bite the cereal. "Sure we can.. If we wanted to. But you have your noise in a book all the time" said Aria as she rolled up the news paper. "but at least im smart" i said as i put my spoon back into the bowl with a clank. Aria smacked me across the head with the paper and then put it back in to her cloak.

"What was that for" I exclaimed as i rubbed the back of my heald. "Thats for being a smart" she said with a chuckle as she grabbed a pice of toast. "Thats no reason to hut me on the head" i exclaimed as Furgus  sat in font of us. "Aria, your father was sig-" Furgus started to say as Aria raised her hand. "I know, thats what me and Eileen were talking about, but why is he coming towards hogwarts" said aria as she sat her toast down. "For you of course, after all he is your father.. If my dad came looking for me, this is were he would go" exclaimed Furgus as he took of his satchel. "i know that much" said aria as i trapped my finger on the table. "Remus and Snape won't let any thing happen" i said as aria rolled her eyes as i know she was going to say something sarcastic. "How is snape going to help, i mean look at him always mopping around" said aria as she pointed at my dad at the professor  table reading the latest Stephen King book. "Shes right, hes always mopping around the hallways"  said fungus as he dug throw his bag. "well he might be busy" i said as i looked at my dad as he sat his book down to take a drink of coffee. As hr saw me looking at him, he smiled at me.
Hey guys sorry if this chapter is to short but next one will be longer! But while you are waiting for the next chapter of Eileen, you should go read my Book Moonlight!

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