Chapter 10: The beginning and runes

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Severus Snape POV
"What do you mean it changed" I said as I watched Albus walked back and forth of behind his desk. "It changed on the night when lily and James was killed and Voldemort tried to kill Harry but Voldemort failed an got killed instead and leaving your children alive" said Albus  as my eyes widened as what I heard my daughter told me earlier tonight. "What dose it say now,  an why are you telling me this now" I said as I stood on the other side of his desk as Albus took a deep breath before he said something.

"Eileen is destined for Darkness while Harry is Destined for greatness.. You're daughter is destined to kill the greatest wizard she knows and do grate things" said albus as he sat down in his chair as his phoenix ruffled his wings. "Who is my daughter destined to kill albus" I asked as  he pushed up his crescent moon glasses. "Your daughter is more stronger the you and Lily combined, if she wanted to she can take out the hole Gryffindor house  with one sweep of your spell Severus" said albus as he was stalling and didn't  want to tell me.  "Who is she destined to kill you old man" I boomed as I knew he didn't want to tell me an if he did it was going to kill me. "She is destined to kill her brother,  with a group. but you know she won't do it Severus" said Albus as I gave a gulp. "It can't be  Eileen is harmless" I said as I knew my daughter she was like Lily.. Kind and helpful but after all she was in Slytherin. "Is it correct Severus, that her friends  parents are death eaters and are in Azcaban" asked albus as he twiddled his thumbs.  "Miss. Black and Mr. Crouch can't even hurt a fly Albus.. But why do you think she is going to kill Harry" I asked as he let out a sigh and I blinked my eyes.

"Tom my ask her to do it but as you remember he has to kill Harry with his own hands.. But Li-" said Dumbledore before he realized what he was about to then he paused. "I mean Eileen. She will have you Severus no matter what happens even when Tom comes back" said albus as he look at me with a small grin. "my daughter is a strong witch albus.. Possibly one day she will know what is right" I said as albus nodded in response. "But hopefully you know that Alice's and Franks son has taken a liking  to Eileen" said albus as I blinked my eyes. "The longbottom boy..  the one who can't make a proper potion with out trying to kill someone" I mumbled as I shook my head as albus said that.. "Severus if I'm correct you feel in love with Lily when you two were 11.. This possibly will no deferent for Neville and Eileen" said albus with a sprinkle in his eyes.  "I know my daughter, she will not end up with that insufferable boy" said albus as he shook his head..

Eileen Potter POV

"Eileen, may I ask why did you chose Ruins to take this year" Said aria as we sat at a round table that was in the ruins class as every one come into the room. "Honestly I think it my come in handy one day... why did you diced to take it Aria" I said as I put my ruins text book one the table. "Because you joined it, so I join to" said aria as she put her hands behind her head. "Of course you did, you could of join Draco and my brothers group in Magical Creatures class" I said as I crossed my arms and let out a yawn a i shut my. "looks like some ones tired" said a Scottish accent as they placed down there textbook as sat acrossed from me.. I opened my eyes and it was Furgus with his hair nicely done for the first day of classes.

"possibly I may be tired" I said as the professor walked in the room ln as she looked around.. "Well,well more people then I thought would join this year" said the woman as she wore long black robes with her long curly white hair that was nicely put up as he robes smoothly went across the floor like it was a knife going smoothly throw butter. "My name is Professors Babbling, through this year I will teach you how to read ruins. As you can tell not a lot of people take ruins since they don't think it's interesting anoff..  But it will help more then Divination" she added as she looked at me then to aria. "Professor, can Ruins help you read old books written in it" I asked as she looked in interest as it seemed like hardly ever asked that question. "It can Miss.Potter, an can help you letter on if you read those kind of books" she said as she started to talk on as aria leaned forward. "Of course you'll ask about the books" said aria as Fergus shook his head.  "Honestly aria, I need need more books to read" I responded as aria rolled her eyes. "Honestly you two,  it doesn't  matter. Eileen will always have the books and Aria will always be the one to mess around" said Fergus in his Scottish accent as I let out a sigh. "He's right you know " I said as I pointed at Fergus  as he nodded as aria shrugged  and shook her head.

Hey guys I'm sorry I'm late with this chapter I have been really busy and I had writers block an could not figure out what to write. But I next chapter I will do better then this one! Until the next chapter remember to vote for the chapter if you liked it and follow if you haven't yet!

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