Chapter 14: The Map and The Mirror

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As the first of October rolled around, as the leafs began to fall and the birds were chirping. I sat on the edge of an the wall next to transfiguration class as i flipped through my copy of Fantastic beast and were to find them. As I stopped on the page in big bold letters.

Before I started to read I heard two voices, "George, I think she needs some fun" said some one as there foot steps echoed through the hallway as they slowly got closer. "Hello" said Fred and George as they looked at me as I closed my book. "Have you guys ever heard on being more silent" I said as I sat my book down on my lap. "Well you look bored, Eileen" said Fred as George took something out of his pocket. "And we thought you would like this, we saw how much you wonder around the corridors" said George as he held out a blank pice of parchment. "That has nothing on it" I said as I pointed at the unfolded empty parchment in Gorges hands. "Fred, you wanna do the honors" said George as Fred gave a smirk.

"I would love to do the honors" said Fred as he took out his wand from under his cloak and he cleared his throat as he put his wand on the empty parchment. "I solemnly swear I'm up to no good" said Fred as he removed his wand from the parchment as I watched in Awh. Ink slowly came upon the parchment to form Hogwarts and words appeared on the parchment in bold letters that read:

Moony,Wormtail, Padfoot
And Prongs persents
The Marauder's Map

"Bloody, this is amazing" I said as my eyes widened as I remembered that I saw the four names some were as I started to think of were. "That is why we thought you would be the next owner of it" said George as he nodded as Fred cleared his throat. "And to get rid of the writing you have to say this" said Fred as he put his wand back onto the parchment. "mischief managed" he said as the ink slowly faded away. "The map shows every one in the castle, that's how we saw you wondering the hall, alone" said George as he let a smile as I took the map from him.

"You can discover many passages with this, Eileen... Use it carefully" said Fred as he let out a sigh. "An have fun" said George as I let out a smile as I jumped off the edge of the wall. "im going to go try this out" I said as I looked at the twins. "Good luck, just don't get caught" said the both of them as I picked up my book that fell on the ground when I jumped down.


As I stood in the middle of an empty corridor that was only lined with only old witch and wizards paintings as I was looking down out at the opened map as I saw my dads name walking back and forth with Remus name in front of his name. As I looked up from the map I stood in front of a lone door that was in the corridor. I folded the parchment back to together as I took a out my wand and put it on to the parchment. "mischief managed" I said as the ink slowly started to fade as I put it into my pocket.

I slowly walked over to the door and pushed as it open the room was filled with furniture that had white sheets over them except a lone Mirror. As I walked forward the door shut behind me as the windows let in a beam that hit the Mirror. I slowly lowered my wand as i walked toward the Mirror, I saw me smiling as one person  came into frame. My dad had shorter hair that looked just like Harry as my mom put her hand on my shoulder.. As every one was silent my started to say something. "My flower, how is Remus teaching you going" said my mom a her voice was soft as in haven't heard her voice since I was one.  "mom,  I haven't started anything" I said as I got closer to the mirror as I sat in front of the mirror as my long red hair that began to slowly darken over time sat on my shoulder. "Well Remus will get to it soon an off, after all he has been dealing with his Brother in-laws escape form Azkaban" Said My mom as she shook her head.  "Regulus  was a good kid" added my mom as she gave a sigh. "Is Remus" I said parsley before my mom shook her head.  "Gay, yes..  He's been Sirius since they were both 15" said my mom as I have a little oh.  "The day you were born your dad was knocked out with Harry in his arms as Remus was holding you.. I had him promise that he would always be there for you, since I felt you were different from when you were born.. I told Remus when the time comes to teach you the darkarts" said my mom as she looked down at me. "I thought Dad was going to teach me" I asked as she shrugged.. "Your father is busy keeping an eye on your brother from what remmy told me" said my mom as my black eyes looked into my moms emerald eyes.  "Harry and I aren't on talking terms" I said as the chamber door opened before my mom could say something I turned around and there stood Dumbledore. "Ah Eileen, you Found the Mirror of efil.. Hello lily dear" said  Dumbledore as he walked towards me. "Hello Albus" said my mom as she smiled. "I found what" I said as I stood up as Dumbledore came closer. "The mirror of Efil, shows people be on the grave..  Your brother 2 years found its sister,  the Mirror of erised" said Dumbledore as in his eye in saw he didn't want to brake up the reunion.. "Promise me something Eileen" added Dumbledore as in let out a sniffle. "you will tell no one about this" said Dumbledore as I nodded. "You should go, your father has been looking for you" he added as I got up and ran out of the room.

Dumbledore POV
"Albus, is Severus all right" asked Lily as  I let out a Sigh "He is losing connection with Eileen,  I'm afraid" said Dumbledore as lilys face sunk. "Why is that Albus, he was happy when she  was born" said lily as she run her fingers through her hair. "Eileen has been spending more time with Remus and Regulus brothers daughter an studying magic in private" I said as I let out a a sigh.  "Oh dear,  he thinks Eileen might go to the bad side" said lily as she shook her head. "correct lily, Eileen is very smart.. An becoming very edvanced  in all of her classes" I said as I saw lily become a bit sadden.. "That doesn't mean that he needs to draw away from our only daughter" said lily as she became angry. "He will soon realized that's not a great idea" I explained as lily shook her head "But Remember, Happiness can be found in n the darkest of places Lily.. Severus will come to his senses" I said as I began to walk of before lily said something I had walked out the door.

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