Chapter 7: The balloon of Marge

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As early morning stuck as it became one day before me and every one else had to go back to Hogwarts. Me and aria sat in the dinning area of the Leakey Couldron, as we both ate cearl. Harry and Ron came running as Harry's held the daily profit. "Eileen, your not going to bloody believe what happened yesterday" said Harry put the daily profit in front of me an the title made my eyes grow twice as wide.

       Muggle spotted floating in Sky

"That's aunt Marge" I said as I tapped the photo as it moved around. Aunt Marge wasn't really our aunt.. She is uncle Vernon sister, She wanted us to call her aunt growing up for some odd reason. "yap..  And read on Eileen" said Harry as Ron sat next to Aria.

A muggle that gose by the name of Marge Dursley, was found blown up by magic done by an unknown witch or wizard.. The problem was tooken  care of by the accident magic department.

"Do you think" I said as I looked up at Harry, as I gave a sniffle. "I do think it's aunt Petunia" said Harry as he tapped on the paper. "How do you think she done it" I asked as Harry as shrugged. "I don't know but remember 2 years ago when dad confronted her" said Harry as he looked at me.. "Ya i remember.. but what do you think made her do it, after all shes dose have a bit of magic" i said  as i let out a yawn. "I don't know why she done it, she make have done something" said harry as he picked up the daily profit.

==•Yesterday at the Dursley's==
Things had change since Eileen and Harry had left from the Dursley's house hold 3 years ago. "Petunia, Marge is here" said Vernon as he walked throw the kitchen and sat the keys on the counter, As Petunia cleaned the dishes she watched Marge as her dog ran around the house looking for Dudley.

"Petunia, were are the two prats.. Ripper is thirsty and hungry" said Marge as she looked around for Petunia's sisters two children. "There gone,  they went to go live with there godfather" lied Petunia as she didn't want it to get out that the twins father wasn't really dead.. But he had the both of them, an there both happy again.

"You two finally got rid of those two useless prats" said Marge as she sat done at the table as Vernon joined her. "good riddens I have to say" said said Vernon with a chuckle as Petunia  squeezed  the sponge that was in her hand. As Vernon knew that she hated when she talked badly about her sisters children after Severus  came almost 3 years ago. She and Severus had made up after his 5th year in Hogwarts after he had dropped a tree branch on her when he was only 11. But seeing him with his and lily children made her happy for once and after all she dose vist Severus and the kids on summer days when she goes back to her childhood home, with out Vernon knowing.

"Petunia what were the children's names again" asked marge as Vernon poured her a glass of Brandie.. "Harry and Eileen" Said Petunia as she sat the sponge in the soapy water  as she cleaned her hands. "Who will ever name there child eileen.. on old and ugly name i have to say"  said Marge as Petunia loved that name even if it was a unfimiler to people like them but when Petunia heard Eileen said she loved it even if it was odd.

"An Harry.. If I'm correct. A messy boy wasn't he like his father petunia" said Marge as she took  a sip of Brandi. "his father was a neat man..  But in hair yes very messy" Said Petunia as she recalled Severus being having long black greasy hair growing up..

"Have you guys ever meet there father" asked Marge as he looked at Vernon as he moved his mustache. "Petunia.. Did you grow up with the twins father" asked Vernon as Petunia  nodded.

"yes I grew up with there father" she responded as she turned around. "I bet you there children are as weird as them both" she said as Dudley came inside leaving the back door opened.  "There not" said Petunia as Marge looked at her confused. "what did you say dear" said Marge as she sat down her glass as Dudley sat next to her.  "There not weird.. Nether is my sister or he husband.. Ever heard respect the gone" she lied as she knew only her sister was gone and Severus was. Taking good care of the twins.

As Marge rased her hand her body start to swell up like balloon as her jacket buttons flew of and hit Dudley in the forehead. As she got buggy she started to float. "Vernon help me" said Marge as she bounced off of the ceiling as Vernon. As she went  out the back door and Dudley stood up and me and him followed Vernon out side. 

Vernon grabbed his sisters leg and he started to float up with his sister.  As they were about 5 feet off of the ground. "Vernon" yelled Marge as she floated up. "Sorry" said Vernon as he let go and he fell to the ground with a thump. As he stood up they both watched his sister floated away.. As she yelled Vernon's name.. All this was the doing of Petunia.
This chapter is a bit different then the other chapters in the Eileen Potter Series.. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Next chapter with be a long chapter, an I hope you guys are excited for it..  Until then remember to follow if you haven't yet and vote if you liked the chapter!!!

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