22: The Raven and Hound

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As the Defense against the dark arts classes were cancelled do to remus being sick me and Aria decided to walked the grounds of Hogwarts as the snow crunched beneath our feet as the snow fell slowly. "i wonder how my father got the code for the slytherin command room" asked aria as we walked on the edge of the black lake. "I don't know how but he found away" i exclaimed as i kicked a rock that was in front of me into the black lake. "after what happened to you a few nights ago, uncle remus and uncle Sirius talked to me about my dad" said aria as she fixed her scarf As we both came to a stop. "what did they say" i asked as i looked at aria as i rubbed my hands together as they were starting to get cold. "He loved the snow at hogwarts and told them if he died he would come back as a fox an rome the grounds" said aria as she looked towards the whomping willow as there stood a black dog near the tree that was asking for a hitting. "Aria, dose the blacks have something to do with dogs" i asked ad dog in the distance saw us and start to wag it tail.

"I think so. I mean my family dose represents the Grim and the Raven, which both means danger or death in the wizard community. So we kept it" said aria as we watch the dog go into the tree and diapered. "What about your family Eileen" she added as she looked as me as i rubbed my neck. "I don't know.. My mum was a muggle born and my dads a half blood, never really asked about it ya know" i said as we both  watched the whomping willow  as a black bird landed on the branches. "That seems very odd.. The bird has a death wish" said aria as as the bird quickly flew off of the branches as straight towards us. "I think it may be time for us to go in.. before they realized we dispersed" as i started to remember seeing that dog once before with a man.

"Come one give me the jump rope back" eileen complained as the two boys were making fun of her. "Look at me.. Im Eileen and i like to bounce a ball" said the one boy as he did an impression  of eileen that wasnt very pleasing to hear. "What are you  going to do after all your just 6" said the one boy as eileen looked down at her blue snickers. "ill do something.. I dont what  but i will" said eileen  as she clinched her hands as a man stood with a black dog next to him. As the dog barked the man looked down at the dog. "Padfoot, we should not interfer.. I know its the right thing to do but we are hear on the order of dumbledore" said the man as the dog let out a small bark. " i know she my god  daughter.. Fine ill go only if it get to the point i have to" said the man as the dog wagged its tail in excitement As they both watch on the hill as Eileen tried to get the ball as the boys threw the ball over her an it was like two Gnomes playing tug a war over a plant. "Come on, this is not funny" said eileen as she kept on jumping  after trying to get the ball. As the man dug in his pocket the dog went stampeding down the hill towards eileen right as the man looked up. "Padfoot your sleeping on the sofa" yelled the man as he chased after The dog. As Eileen tightened her fist as the one boy throw the ball one more time the dog jumped onto the boy and made him hit the floor with a thud. "Padfoot, there you are" said the man as his jacket cought the wind As eileen picked up the ball as the one boy ran away. "Thank you" said eileen as she petted the dog on the head as the boy underneath him chased after the other. "Your welcome" said the man as he grabbed the dogs caller. "May i ask your name sir" asked eileen as she looked up to the man as he had to think for a moment. "My name is John and this is padfoot" said John with a smile as the dog panted and waged its tell in excitement. "i must be going John.. My brother must be worried" said eileen before she walked away with ball in hand. As Eileen went around the corner and the cost was clear there stood another man next to the man named "john". "Remus why did you use your middle name.. I mean she is your god daughter after all" said the man as remus let out a sigh. "she will know who i am when she is ready Sirius" said remus as he looked at sirius. "she looks a lot like lily doesn't  she" asked Sirius as remus shook his head. "She dose but this dosnt stop you from sleeping on the couch" said remus as sirius let out a moan. "Lets go, aria is waiting for us at your cousins" said remus as he began to walk back up the hill.

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