19: Pettigrew and the three Slytherin's

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"Now Eileen and harry you better not an Go cause trouble in hogsmeade" exclaimed our dad as he looked at the both of us as we sat in his dark office that was only lit by the roaring fire under the window behind him. "we promise" we both said as my dad took a deep breath. "I hope so" said my dad as he handed us the permission slips to hogsmed. "thanks" i said as i took the permission slip from my dad as he looked at me. "Eileen, Remus will be there if you need anything" exclaimed my dad as harry looked at his paper. "Alright" i said with a nood as harry folded up his paper and put in i his front pocket. "Now you two go and have some fun" said my dad as we both stood up. For the last couple year people have told me and harry we look just like our parents and they were right. An as we both got older i can notice it more in Harry since we both see our dad every day.. But i will only be told on how i look like our mum. "Eileen, you coming or not" said harry as he stood by the door. "Ya im coming" i said as i quickly checked my pocket for the map, i gave a sigh of relief that i was still there.
As me, Aria and Fergus  walked down a dirt path as every one split up to do there one thing  we came to a jolting stop at on old crooked shack. "What is that" i asked as i leaned on the wooden fence that blocked the out side world from the old shack. "Its called the shrieking shack. It holds many secrets.. its rumored that every full moon you can hear people scream" Said Fergus's he lend against the maple wood tree that had lost its leafs.  "Interesting, my uncle said something different.. but he has all was been crazy" said Aria as she lend against the wooden fence as well. "It seems very interesting" i exclaimed as you could see the whomping willow in the background as it stood still. "Some ones interested.. we all better watch out" said Fergus with a chuckle as i rolled my eyes. "Furgus, maybe one day her interest will find something amazing" said Aria with a grin  as she hit my shoulder. "Or even worst.. It can get us killed" said Fergus as he held up a finger. "Ya right.. Nothing i would do  will get us killed" i exclaimed  as i turned around  with my arms crossed. "Dont get so tense.. How about i buy us both butter beers at Hogshead" said Aria as she grabbed my arm. "Sure" i said as Furgus  looked at aria a bit confused. "hey, what about me" asked Furgus  as he followed behind us as Aria dragged me along the dirt path. "Go do something you'll like" said aria as i shrugged and Furgus shrugged back in response.

As we both came to hogshead, that was a wizarding inn and a pub that was located in hogsmeade. As aria opened the door there were shrunken  heads hanging from the coat hangers. "No students allowed" said one of the shrunken head as it turned to look at us. "Shut the damn door" said tee he other one.. But me and aria didn't listen. We both walked into hogsmeade as the shrunken heads looked at us very pissed, before they both had a chance to say anything. As we ran up the stairs we heard professor mcgonagall voice and two other people voices. "Eileen over here" said aria as she grabbed my shirt sleeve as we heard foot steps coming up the stairs. Aria opened the door as fast as she could and closed it behind her. "Aira, there's a closet" i claimed as i pointed at the closet. "lets go then" said aria as we both quickly got into the closet as the door opened once more then closed. "Mirvana, may i ask why you called us here" said the man as he took off his hat. The man was tall, had black hair that was slowly going white and a mustache. "well Barty, it has to do with two of hogwarts students "  said mcgonagall as she sat down on the sofa as the woman that was with them closed the blinds. "then go on Meviona" said barty as he sat across from McGonagall and the woman sat next to her. "Regulus Black, is after two of the children. His Daughter and Eileen Potter" said McGonagall before she continued. "Regulus was spouses to murder the girl But before​ he could, Petter Pettigrew heard an then Regulus killed him before​ he could tell any one an only left one of petters fingers" she added as she held up one finger  i looked at Aria. "im sorry"  she whispered as she looked at me as i gave a small sigh. "its ok" i whispered  as Barty  cleared his throat. "But why am i here then" asked Barty as the woman smiled. "Thats why Sybill is here" said McGonagall as she nugged the woman who had big glasses and very curly hair. "what she has to say involves your grandson.. Albus doesn't know it yet that we know off" said McGonagall As that caused Barty to grab interest. "go ahead Sybill" she added as Sybill adjusted her glasses. "Three Slytherin's that come from troubled past shall join the dark to bring back the light but Trouble will follow as they become dark" said Sybill as Barty looked at the woman as he became a bit shaken. "But the kids from slytherin's come from bad familys" he exclaimed as me and aria started to slowly fall a sleep before​ we could hear the rest.

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